Two | Plan Of Action

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Soul didn't have much to do for the remainder of the day until it was time for the meeting

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Soul didn't have much to do for the remainder of the day until it was time for the meeting. As a Major, she fulfilled duties that her senior knights have given her, which mostly included informing troop leaders of the plan for the day. Sometimes it was easy, but other times it became difficult. A handful of troop leaders were too prideful to listen to her orders, and unfortunately for them, it resulted in injuries. Soul was no one to mess with, especially since it was difficult for misogynistic knights to recognize her as one of their own.

As much as she enjoyed it, Soul didn't have much time to train her aura. Being a Major in ranks was a huge responsibility, but that didn't mean she could slack off on aura exercises. Something she learned from her mentor was that keeping a calm and steady aura could be easier to manipulate when conducting certain movements with a weapon. In fact, experience aura guardians use it as a weapon. Soul was talented, but not enough to use her aura as a weapon on its own.

One more thing she was taught by Aaron was the concept of Aura Summoning. Aura Summoning was a skill where you're able to separate your aura from yourself and use it for self defense. However, depending on your condition, the quality varies. If you're perfectly fine, you shouldn't have any difficulty. If you're exhausted, then it would be difficult to handle.

The down side to Aura Summoning was that it wore you out both physically and mentally since it required your complete concentration and not to mention the fact that you're losing part of your soul's trait. Without aura, you might as well be a walking corpse. That's why only very few aura guardians have successfully mastered Aura Summoning. Even after her three and a half years of training, Soul was never able to hone that skill. Seeing it as a lost cause, Aaron eventually decided to drop it from the training regimen and move on with the other skills.

With everything that's been going on lately, Soul's time was limited. Something came up, but it required her full attention, especially since she found that it became personal the moment her mother's name was brought up. Just thinking about it made the blonde woman clench her fist, her long fingernails digging into the surface of her skin.

She closed her eyes momentarily, trying to calm down when those bad memories resurfaced from the void of repressed experiences. What's done was done; there's no going back to fix it. Even if that bastard of a villain slipped through her fingers, she would find him. The moment she does, she will not hesitate to bring upon him what he brought upon her mother: death.

The blonde woman reopened her eyes and stood up from her seat in the castle's library. She was there to keep herself busy by reorganizing the troop leaders' progresses of their respective company. When she was done, she closed all files and put them away in the archives, locking the cabinet with a key. Soul gave the key to the library keeper for safe keeping before leaving the library. Based on the sun's position being lower than what she recalled, it was time for her to be on her way.

Thankfully, the conference room wasn't too far from the library, but it did get confusing since the corridors on this floor were rather laid out strangely. Soul was able to recall where it was, but it annoyed her to go through a series of turns from each corner. She stood in front of the large double doors, which slightly intimidated her. All she wanted to know was what this meeting had to offer and why she was summoned for it to begin with.

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