Three | Assignment

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Many thoughts ran through Soul's mind when she left the conference room once the Queen dismissed everyone

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Many thoughts ran through Soul's mind when she left the conference room once the Queen dismissed everyone. She quickly made her way out of the castle to take a breather after that rather intense meeting. Just like how she had hoped for in the beginning, she got her questions answered. However, more responsibility was placed on her shoulders, one that may be heavy. She wouldn't know what role she'd fulfill until the next meeting, one that General Hayes was going to host for the two aura guardians and their Pokémon.

Before she could get further away from the conference room after she left, a hand placed itself upon her shoulder. The blonde woman became stiff and looked over her shoulder, only for her sea green optics to meet with alluring dark blue ones. Aaron dropped his hand from her shoulder, giving her a stern look.

"Walk with me," he ordered.

Soul shrugged before the two walked together aimlessly around the castle. A few of the maids and servants eyed them curiously, but continued their work nonetheless. Soul noticed this and couldn't hold back the urge to roll her eyes. People could be quite nosey and assume anything that filled their imagination.

Despite this, the blonde woman remained professional and distracted herself by recalling what happened at the meeting. Johto and Hoenn were on the verge of having a full-on war, but they're both seeking aid from Kanto, who had nothing to do with whatever they're fighting about. There were too many possibilities to go off of, but there was no certainty they were right. In fact, there wasn't much to go off of since there was no reason behind it. Well, there wasn't one yet anyway.

Not only that, but it was up to her and Aaron, along with this new formation of knights, to figure out why. That was their sole purpose of this mission she was burdened with, but she was unaware of what role she'd play in this game of tactics and strategy.

"Well, what did you think of what happened in there?" Aaron asked.

"About the conflict between Johto and Hoenn and how they may be waging war on our territory? Well, I want to help stop it at any cost." Soul's eyes hardened. "About General Hayes volunteering us to be part of a mission without our consent? Annoyed."

"Well, we never get a say in whether or not we want to go on a mission or not. This is General Hayes we're talking about after all," Aaron stated. The blonde woman crossed her arms over her chest.

"Still, he's unbelievable. How could he do that without at least letting us know in advanced?"

Aaron slowed his walking into a halt, which Soul eventually followed. Confused, the blonde woman turned around and looked at her mentor.

"Don't let these little things get to you, Soul. He may have promoted you to Major, but remember that he won't hesitate to take it away if you defy him. You know how he is, so don't fall for it," Aaron advised wisely.

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