Four | Three Knights

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"Major, time to wake up

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"Major, time to wake up. The other knights from Indigo Palace are coming," Soul heard a voice say.

The blonde woman groaned slightly while furrowing her eyebrows. She slowly opened her eyes and blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the bright sunlight. Soul turned herself to the side and spotted a maid standing next to her bed. Normally, she'd make a comment about a maid walking into a person's room without knocking, but then she recalled that this maid was still fairly new.

Besides, that was of lesser matter compared to the occasion today.

"Okay." Soul yawned. "Thank you for waking me."

"You're very welcome." She smiled. "I shall take my leave now."

After the maid left, Soul went into the bathroom to brush her teeth before changing out of her nightgown and into her uniform, standard daily routine. However, today was no mere ordinary day.

Today would be the day she would leave the castle and go on a lengthy journey for a mission.

The thought of it may have seemed intimidating at first, but Soul couldn't afford to be nervous, especially since she was burdened with the responsibility of leading it. It wasn't going to be an easy task, but she wasn't going to give up. She had a role to fulfill, be it as a knight or an aura guardian.

Once she finished putting her blonde hair into its standard ponytail, Soul went over to Gallade's bed. The Blade Pokémon was sprawled out on the bed snoring obnoxiously loud, much to the blonde woman's dismay. She didn't want to resort to using the water bucket, but if it was the only way, then so be it.

"Rise and shine, Gallade. Time to wake up. Oh, and I won't give any chances to avoid the water bucket," she called out, shaking his shoulders.

To her surprise, Gallade woke up immediately and sat up without falling back asleep. Perhaps he was actually taking this mission seriously, which was rather rare. Soul should give the Blade Pokémon more credit.

"I'm up, no need for the water bucket," he assured as he got out of bed. "Thank Arceus that thing isn't coming with us..."

"You're right," Soul pondered while attaching her sheathed sword onto the clips of her belt. "Remind me to use regular water as a substitution in case you grow back into your old habit along the way."

"As if I'd ever do that," he scoffed, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Yeah yeah, I know." She rolled her eyes. "Now c'mon and let's go eat before we have to leave."

Gallade nodded his head and they both went to the enormous dining room. While Gallade was basically inhaling majority ofwhat was served, Soul stayed in her place and lightly picked on her food. She didn't really have an appetite in the mornings and usually only ate late. Roman and the Queen got on her about it, saying that it was rather unhealthy, but it's something she couldn't necessarily fix. She tried forcing herself to eat breakfast at a reasonable time, but then she became sick.

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