Seventeen | You & I Are Alike

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It's now day two of the squadron's journey to Nebesa Town and they were going at the fast pace Akira had predicted they'd take from the beginning. She knew Soul wanted to get there as quick as possible since time was slowly becoming an issue. Even if this mission was meant to prevent another pointless battle, time waited for no one. Today, they woke up bright and early and like usual, skipped breakfast and immediately hit the road. Their pace was quick, but they still managed to keep up with Soul.

They've all grown use to walking a lot, the only thing that would affect their trips was the weather. Luckily, today was nice and sunny with no signs of it changing. It's times like these where the knights wouldn't mind taking a nice nap under the shady tree, but knowing Soul, she'd flat out refuse.

Before they could get any further, everyone came to an abrupt halt. A look of surprise crossed Akira's eyes as she saw the reason why they stopped. There was a large river in the way and the rapid current was enough to let her know they couldn't just walk through it and move on. There weren't any bridges near by, which left the knights in a tough spot right away.

"Great, just what we needed..." Soul mumbled with distaste.

"What do we do now?" Blake asked.

The blonde woman sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly showing that she's trying to control her anger. She turned around and faced her squadron, dropping her hand to the side as she narrowed her eyes at all of them.

"I need you all to scatter and find a different path that isn't blocked by this damn river. If there are rocks we can use to cross over, fine. But find something!" she demanded, annoyance clear in her voice.

"Yes ma'am!" They all saluted.

"Once you find a path, send us a signal by smoke or flare. Do I make myself clear?!"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Good." She nodded. "Scatter!"

Immediately, the knights all left the post and started to look for a different path. That, or they all just wanted to get away from Soul before she snapped at one of them. Lunatone floated beside Akira as she started to look around for a way to get across the river.

• • •

"Ugh! This is getting annoying!" Akira exclaimed, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

Lunatone let out a noise of agreement as they continued to roam the thick green forest. She's been looking for a usable path for the knights to take for hours, but so far she came across nothing. From time to time, she would climb a tree to check for any signals from the others. So far, nothing had come up, making her think they had the same luck as she did. Akira could only imagine how pissed Soul was since her impatience was very slim.

The white haired woman brought her hand up to her forehead and wiped away the sweat that began to line up. Even though she wasn't in the sun, she had been walking non-stop in hopes of finding a path. Not only was she exhausted from all the walking, but she was also starving. An Ursaring had attacked her and her Lunatone at some point and she dropped a bag that obtained her meal for the day. She was going to starve, while that damn Pokémon enjoyed her two rice balls and Oran berries.

Akira was looking forward to consuming them as well.

A sigh escaped her lips as she hunched over in despair, her stomach letting out a loud growl of hunger as well. Her patience slimmed down to zero right then and there.

She's had it!

"This isn't fair!" Akira yelled angrily. "I didn't ask for that stupid Ursaring to attack me and then steal my food! What did I do to deserve this?!"

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