Twenty | Pride's Ambition

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Even with Mightyena's and Houndoom's amazing sense of smell, the squadron was having trouble finding Mark. They weaved their way through these woods and have yet to find any of them, be it the red hooded woman, the Pokémon-human hybrid, Mark, or the Devilry Brothers. Not only that, but the deeper they go into these woods, the more the fog began to thicken up. They could only see about a few yards ahead, otherwise everything else seemed hazy. This was becoming very troublesome.

Blake felt something lightly tap his nose. Dumbfounded, he brought his hand up and wiped the tip of his nose. Next thing he knew, something tapped his cheek, his forehead and then his head. Suddenly, water began to shower upon them. Blake gritted his teeth and clenched his fists as the squadron continued running.

"Fan-fucking-tastic!" Blake cursed, anger dripping his voice.

"Tell me about it," Akira commented as she swept her fringe to the side. "This is definitely the last thing we need right now."

"Quiet!" Soul barked as she looked over her shoulder at the two. "I'm already stressed as it is. Don't make it worse by complaining! Is that understood?!"

"Yes ma'am!" Akira and Blake shouted in unison.

Before they could get any further, a sudden explosion up ahead caused them to halt. Blake placed his arms over his eyes as debris came their way. Once things settled down, he removed his arms from his face and looked ahead. There was still smoke, but he was barely able to make out two silhouettes.

Two very familiar silhouettes.

Blake's hand gripped the hilt of his sword as he watched the smoke disappear and reveal them— the Devilry Brothers. It's definitely them; those dark red eyes and their signature mischievous smirks gave it away.

"Sorry," Lucifer started.

"But we can't let you pass," Lucius finished.

"Dammit, of all the times!" Soul shouted, glaring at them.

Blake's eyebrows furrowed in anger as he took a few steps toward them. Arcanine followed him as well, bearing his fangs menacingly at the Devilry Brothers. They both stood in front of the group, now facing them.

"Go," Blake told Soul. "Arcanine and I will hold him off."

"Are you sure?" she asked, earning a nod of response from the blond knight.

"Besides." He smirked arrogantly. "I got a bone to pick with them."

Soul hesitated, but eventually left along with the rest of the team. The two brothers looked at each other before sighing, dramatically shrugging.

"It couldn't be help," Lucifer commented.

"But." Lucius smirked. "We've managed to put distance between the squadron and Fabian."

Arcanine growled next to Blake, prepared to pounce at them as soon as his master gave him the signal. Blake unsheathed his sword from its scabbard and tossed that aside. Before he charged, he felt another presence stand next to him. A smirk played at his lips as he rested his sword's blade onto his shoulder by the blunt side.

"You're willing to help me, even though this is my fight?" Blake questioned Akira.

"As I've said before," she spoke, taking a few steps forward. "I'm not going to leave you. I'll stick by you, even during battle."

The white haired woman removed the sheath that covered her samurai sword and tossed the black fabric to the side. She pointed her shiny yet deadly blade at the Devilry Brothers, glaring harshly at them.

"Besides, they're going to pay for what they did to you. I'm not letting them get away with hurting you so cruelly!"

His eyes widened as the blood rushed to his cheeks. His heart became warmer and his stomach felt as if he had a swarm of Beautiflies fluttering about. She's willing to fight for him and make them feel the pain they deserved. She wanted to fight alongside him even though this fight had nothing to do with her.

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