Fourteen | Family Matters

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Soul's eyes widened seeing Akira being held against his will by Cato, a dagger pressed against his neck. The others tried to get at him, but this only caused the dark haired man to hold the dagger closer, right under his jaw. Akira flinched under the harsh contact, a small bead of his crimson blood trailing down his neck. The blonde woman cursed under her breath, trying to think of a way to get her comrade out of that position without him getting hurt or worse, killed.

If any of the knights made a move without thinking, Cato wouldn't hesitate to slide that dagger across Akira's neck. He's already made a small clean cut without even trying. Who knew how deep that dagger could dig in? Akira was already injured as it was with that nasty looking bite that's still bleeding, and Soul could tell he's already in a lot of pain based on the look on his face.

"Let Akira go!" Blake barked out in fury as he was about to recklessly pounce him. Luckily, Mark and Axel were there to hold him back.

"And let you people stop my plans? No way in hell!" Cato smirked triumphantly.

"Why did you infiltrate Azure Village and take Leon Gardiner's identity anyways?" Soul queried, still pointing her sword at him. "What are you really up to?"

Cato chuckled a humorless laugh, pulling an angered nerve within her. Whatever this guy was planning couldn't be good, which was established when he mentioned that he was second in command of the Johto Knights.

"You want to know my plans? Fine," he agreed. "We have been trying to get Kanto to join us in the war against Hoenn and defeat them. We went to Azure Village in hope of gaining support from one place in order for it to work in our favor, but that bastard Leon didn't want to help, saying crap like "Kanto is still recovering from a previous war that caused many deaths.""

Soul's eyes widened slightly as she recalled that last memory she had with her father before he left for war. She remembered him telling her that it was all going to be alright, telling her with that smile she missed so much that he was going to come back to her. She remembered him patting her head as she wiped away her never ending tears, her small body trembling from the sobs that had left her. She remembered him telling her he loved her before turning his back to her and leaving, her younger self calling out to him to not leave her alone.

But it was too late.

He left to fight a battle that would end badly. Rota's knights were victorious, but many lives were taken as a result, including her father. Soul's eyes darkened as her memories recalled the painful nostalgia that still ate away at her heart. Of course Leon would reject the stupid alliance. Many people, close friends and families, were killed!

"You ignorant fool," Soul growled hatefully. "Many people died in that battle! Of course Leon wouldn't want to drag his village, let alone Kanto, into an unnecessary war that has nothing to do with us!"

"Boo hoo, how awful!" Cato faked sympathy, making her blood boil. "Well guess what you vile woman, people die everyday! Be it by starvation, illness, or murder, they still die! What would be the difference if they died in battle, huh?!"

"They die defending their cause with honor!" she spat and glared daggers at him. "Something that you wouldn't understand."

"Careful with your words," he warned as he glanced at the dagger pressed against Akira's neck, the blade of the dagger glinting as it waited for blood to shed. "I have the power to end your comrade's life."

Soul sighed an exasperated sigh, closing her eyes momentarily. He's right, for once. One wrong word and Akira was dead. She just couldn't stand it when ignorant fools like him brought up something that seemed unimportant to them, but very important to the victim party. That war was brutal and for him to say that it's crap made her very furious.

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