Twenty One | To Tame the Demon

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Emotions never fazed a person like me.

My heart felt nothing when I witnessed someone die.

However, seeing him getting smashed into chunks of bloody pieces...

Seeing my own brother being turned into chunky human soup...

It broke my heart.

I cried for the first time on that day, and I also felt fear hit me for the first time.

It was all because of him.

All because of the monster that consumed him.

The boy whose life I ruined.

This was karma getting back at me.

I have no choice but to accept my fate.

Killed by the hands of the monster I created.

Hands were wrapped tightly around the neck of Lucifer, trying so hard to cut off any oxygen from going to his head. Fearful crimson eyes met demonic scarlet eyes that glinted with bloodshed. Lucifer took one more fearful glance at what was left of his brother's corpse. It was nothing but red flesh lying upon a pool of red blood, some splattering all over the place while other pieces were lumped together. Just seeing the brutally mutilated body made his tears stream down faster than before.

He still couldn't register the fact that the gory mess of the carcass was once his twin brother, Lucius.

It was too late to save him from the moment Blake accepted his demon's power. Emotions were what drove him to activate his last resort, emotions that could get out of control. He was blinded by rage and anger, which caused him to attack Lucifer with such brutality. The darkness began to surround them and that's where Lucius was mauled savagely. It was a slow death because that was the kind of pain Blake wanted him to feel before he died.

He had no idea how much of an impact Lucius's death had on Lucifer. He figured that he wouldn't care, but boy was he wrong. They were twins after all and all twins, no matter how different they may be, would always have a bond stronger than anyone on this planet. A strong bond that would only be severed by death, but also cause pain to the survivor's heart. Just like how Lucifer cried for the first time because of the death of his brother.

It didn't matter anyway because he would soon experience an equal amount of pain before he died. The monster he created would turn on him, but it was to be expected after all. He ruined Blake's chance of a normal life. It was his way of repenting for his sin.

Saliva began to escape Lucifer's mouth as Blake's grip around his neck became tighter. The crimson eyed man tried to claw his way out of the grip, kicking as well to try to escape, but it was to no avail. Blake's glowing eyes seemed to burn holes at Lucifer, hoping for the man to just die already. Then again, he wouldn't have the experience of pain like he wanted. After all, suffocation was the most painful way to go.

Meanwhile, Akira began to wake up. Her eyes furrowed before she slowly opened them. At first, her vision was blurry. She blinked a few times, trying to clear it. The first thing that greeted her was the bloody mess Blake left. Her eyes widened from shock and fear as her eyes stared at the corpse, if she could even call it that.

The white haired woman scrambled to her feet, but stopped when she felt a pain at her side. The now blood soaked blazer had stopped the bleeding, but she wrapped it around the wound just in case it opened up again. Arcanine quickly stood on all fours, watching as Akira slowly got to her feet. The Legendary Pokémon whimpered and nuzzled her hand, immediately catching her attention.

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