Ten | Blade Of Betrayal

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The warm streams of sunlight hit Blake's closed eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows before slowly peeling his eyelids open. His sleepy gaze roamed around, and he was surprised to find himself in a room of some sort. Blake lifted his body up, only to groan from the soreness that consumed his body. Still, that didn't stop him from sitting up and looking around.

Where was he? What happened? Oh yeah, now he remembered.

A look of shame morphed onto the blond knight's face as he looked down at his lap, gripping the white bed sheets as he recalled what happened. He let that beast consume him, all thanks to just looking at those evil clones. Blake brought his hand to the right part of his chest where the seal that locked the demon inside him was etched. He swore after that day he'd never allow it to take control of him. That thing didn't deserve to live; it didn't deserve him as a host.

"Hey man, you're finally awake!"

Blake lifted his gaze from his lap and saw Gallade walking toward him, a silly grin plastered on his face. Not far behind him was Lucario, who seemed very annoyed as he looked over at Gallade.

"Will there ever be a day where you do not speak so loudly?!" he snapped at the Blade Pokémon.



Blake sweat dropped as he watched Gallade and Lucario argue with each other like children. He felt bad for Lucario for having to put up with the silly Gallade, but he's pretty sure he's use to it by now. A loud whimper rang through the blond knight's ears, catching all of their attention. Blake looked down at the side of his bed and saw his Arcanine laying down, looking at his master with worry. Blake's eyes widened slightly at his injuries.

Just how out of control were they?

The blond knight got up from the bed, ignoring the soreness that spread through his body with every movement he took and crouched down to his partner's level. He eyed his master, almost with the same look of shame Blake had not too long ago. Blake chuckled softly and placed a hand on his head, ruffling his fiery orange fur.

"Don't worry, buddy." The blond knight smiled genuinely at his partner. "It's over for now."

"Hey Blake, I have a question."

Blake and Arcanine both moved their gazes at Gallade. It seemed like he and Lucario had settled things for now. Blake stood up and looked at him questionably, though he had a feeling of what he's about to ask.

"What happened back there? Once you took a look at those clones, you... changed," Gallade mumbled near the end, as if intimidated by the knight.

He couldn't blame him. He would be afraid of himself too if he had seen the monster he became.

Blake sighed and ran his unwounded hand through his blond hair as he recalled the memory of what he did. Usually, when people find out of the unwanted side of him, he tended to run away from them in hopes of staying alive. People wouldn't want to be friends with a monster like him anyway, so it was probably for the better. He wouldn't want to be friends with a monster either.

Another whimper caught his attention, causing him to look at his Arcanine. He gave Blake another worried look before looking back at the other two Pokémon, barking at them. Gallade furrowed his eyebrows together while Lucario nodded his head in understanding. The Aura Pokémon looked at Gallade with a strict demeanor, more strict than usual if that's possible.

"Arcanine said that it is a touchy subject for the both of them. It is best not to pry into their matter, Gallade," he suggested before turning back to Blake and Arcanine. "We respect your decision. However, be ready for when Major Fraverden questions you about it. She wants answers as to why you disobeyed her orders and attacked your own teammates."

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