Chapter Seven

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Which main character do you like better? Vienna or Luke?


I woke up on a plane.
I was knocked unconscious by a giant Hollow and now I'm on an airplane.
Yep. This is happening.
A hand was clutching mine. It ended up being Millard. Of course. Without me, he wouldn't be visible.
In that moment, I felt more like a tool than ever.
Sitting next to him was Horace, who was asleep.
"Where's Luke?" I hissed to Millard. He looked up from the book he was reading.
"You're awake."
"Thanks for stating the obvious. Where's Luke?"
"You're not going to like this."
"Where's my cousin?"
"He's not actually your cousin, you know-"
"I'm going to slap you."
"Well, you're violent."
"Just tell me where Luke is."
"A Hollow took him and Bronwyn. We tried to go after them, but it got away. We have no idea where they are, so we're going to make a plan once we arrive at our destination."
"This is great," I muttered. "You just had to go and get yourself kidnapped, didn't you, Lukas?"
Millard laughed out loud, which startled Horace awake.
"Oh my Bird! What was that?" He gasped. Millard laughed harder, and I joined in.
"Where's my mother?" I asked when we were done laughing.
"She stayed in Florida to house Jacob's parents," Millard replied. "And create a cover story."
I nodded. "Good. I don't want her in danger."
"She told us it would be safe where we're going," Millard said. "Where's that?" I asked.
Before he could reply. The plane was landing. My ears popped. A baby started crying somewhere.
When the plane finally stopped, a voice said something over the intercom.
"Wir sind in unserem Ziel angekommen. Willkommen in Vienna, Österreich."
My breath caught.
We have arrived at our destination. Welcome to Vienna, Austria.
"Ach du Schreck! Ich bin endlich wieder da!" I shouted. My heart beat faster. I couldn't believe I was finally back in Austria!
"What did you say?" Horace asked. I ignored him and shoved the airplane window open.
The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon. I saw the city I grew up in. It was beautiful this morning.
"Ich wünschte, Luke sei hier zu sehen," I sighed.
"Can you please speak English?" Horace begged.
I realized I was speaking in German, my first language.
"Whoops. Sorry," I said. "What did you just say?" Horace asked.
I scowled. "Nichts. Wenn du willst mit zu sprechen mich, lernan Deutsche."
Millard laughed.
"She just said 'Nothing. If you want to speak with me, learn German.' Looks like you'll have to learn a new language soon, Horace," He said.
"You know German?" Horace and I asked in unison. Millard grinned. "I studied it for four years." I grinned at him. "That's awesome."
"Am I the only one who doesn't know German?" Horace asked.
"Horace," Olive hissed from the seats behind us. "Ich kenne ein bisschen deutsch."
I burst out laughing.
Horace glared at me. "I'm starting to like your cousin better than you."
"Of course you are," I said, a bit annoyed. "Everyone likes Luke better than me. He's nicer, smarter, and just a better person in general. He follows the rules."
I reached for my headphones out of habit, but they weren't there. "I don't have my headphones," I complained. "Life sucks."
"Actually, your mother said you might want them. So she ran upstairs and got your headphones and your phone for you," Millard said, pulling them out of his backpack. "Her way of saying sorry."
I sighed with relief at the sight of my blue Beats. I snatched them from Millard and shoved them over my ears, all while holding onto his hand to keep him visible.
"Well, she won't be talking to us for the next fourteen million years," Horace mumbled.
I flipped him off and selected the song "Nicotine" by Panic! At The Disco. I turned it up so I couldn't hear the nonsense coming out of Horace's mouth.
We finally got off the plane and entered the airport. I paused my music and took off my headphones so I could hear the bustling sounds of Austrians going one million different places.
A woman passed us and saw Millard and I's joined hands. She smiled.
"Ihr zwei macht ein süßes Pärchen," she told us.
You two makes a sweet couple.
Millard and I both turned bright red.
"Wir sind nicht zusammen," I replied.
We are not together.
She seemed embarrassed by her mistake.
"Es tut mir Leid," she said quickly and rushed off.
I am sorry.
"What'd she say?" Jacob asked. "Nothing," I replied. "It's not important."
"She told them they make a sweet couple," Enoch said, smirking.
I made a mental note to brutally murder Enoch when I got the chance.
"Who all can speak German?" Miss Peregrine asked. Everyone raised their hand except for Horace, Jacob, and Claire.
"When did all of you learn German?" Claire pouted. "Why wasn't I invited?"
"Doesn't matter," Olive said.
"Let's go," I said, eager to get out into the city.
My city.
We set off into the Austrian morning.

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