Chapter 4 - Moments- Part 3

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Chapter 4 - Moments- Part 3

I smiled when I read the message Zayn left me. I grab his varsity jacket and walked out of the apartment. It was a beautiful weather with birds chirping. As soon as I left the apartment, I saw papers different papers sticking on different trees. Curious, I went to the first tree to read the note that someone left. The first tree wrote 'Morning Princess! Come find me! :P' I smiled and took the paper down. The second paper on the next tree wrote 'Keep following the arrows, you will eventually find me! If you don't call one of the lads! Goodluck!' I followed the arrows that were assigned. I finally reach an open field. The open filed was beautiful fill with sunflowers. I was a little nervous cause no one was there, literally no one. It was just me with the sunflowers. I was about to walk away when I felt somebody blind folding me from the back. 'Stay clam. Everything will be okay' the voice whispered. I recognized that voice and I'm certain it was Louis! He then lead me somewhere, i don't even know where!

'1..2..3..' Louis said as he took off the blindfold. I teared while observing the environment. I was standing in a heart shape made of petals. Zayn was standing infront of me with his v-neck black shirt and jeans.  He had his obey cap on. I smiled at him and he step forward to give me a hug. 'How was your sleep babe?' He asked, concerned. I gave him a wide smile and replied 'It was alright. How was yours babe?'  'It was great cause I was with you through out the night' Zayn replied and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and lean in for a hug. 'What are we doing here?' I asked,curious. I see no reason for us to be here actually.  'Did you bring your phone?' Zayn asked. I nodded my head. 'Pass me your phone, babe' I gave him my phone and waited. 'Give me a minute' he said as he smiled cheekily. I was admiring the scenery. It was so beautiful and peaceful. 'Babe, here's your phone. Don't worry, I did nothing' he grinned. He grab me by my waist and both of us enjoyed the scenery for about 3 minutes when he suddenly say 'Wait. I got to make a call. Sorry babe.' He turned around to make his call. I don't know who he was calling actually, so I waited for him to end his call when I suddenly heard my phone ringing.

I took out my phone from the varsity jacket I'm wearing. On my phone screen, the caller name of the person calling me is 'Will you be my girlfriend?' I teared and answered the call. 'I love you so much babe' Zayn said through the phone. I then hang up and hug him from the back tightly. 'I love you so much babe. Thank you for doing this for me. It means so much to me' I said as I hug him. Zayn then turn around and lift my chin up. He look me in the eyes and smile. He wiped my tears and gave a kiss on my nose. We remained silent and enjoyed each others company for a little while. I was so lucky to have met him.

'Babe..' he suddenly say. 'Yeah?' I replied with a smile. 'Remember the time when I told you, you were an amazing girl outside my apartment?' He asked, curious. I nodded my head and replied 'Yeah, what about that time?' 'Have you ever wondered what I wanted to finish saying before Louis called us in?' He asked again. I turn around to look at him and held his hands. I look him in the eye and say 'Of course, what is it that you wanted to say?' 'I wanted to say that you are an amazing girl and i never ever want to let you go' he replied with a tear in his eye. He then lean forward to give me a kiss on my nose. I wrap my arms around his waist and he kept kissing me on my forehead. My head was resting on his chest. I listened to the sound of his heart beating.

He then pull away from the hug and look at me. 'Babe, let's make a promise today. A serious promise,alright?' he said in a serious tone. I took him seriously and nodded. 'You, me, forever? Nothing can ever come between us? We will go through everything together? We will be there for each other through bad and good time? We will support each other and most importantly, we will love each other? Till death do us apart,babe?' He said with tears streaming down his face. I took out a packet of tissue from my pocket and wipe his tears. 'Don't cry babe. I promise i will never ever leave you alright? I will love you and till death do us apart, I promise' I replied. 'Pinky promise?' Zayn asked and put his pinky out. I then put my pinky out and we did a pinky promise. 'I love you so much babe. Please know that' Zayn said as he run his fingers through my long hair. 'I know. Please know that I love you too?' I replied and both our lips met. We kissed in the petal of hearts. Never in my entire life have I felt this special.

'Hooray for Diana and Zayn! You guys should name yourself ZaDiana! That sounds weird! But it will work out!' Harry shouted and he ran around the open field. Louis walked up to Zayn and say ' Congrats man!' and gave him a hug.Love you. Remember that' He then walk up to me and hug me, whispering in my ears 'You finally found your prince,princess. Be happy' Liam then came up to me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. 'Congrats babe. Stay happy. Wait. you are gonna be happy actually cause we are all here!' Liam joked around!  He then went to Zayn and gave him a hug. He hit Zayn lightly in the stomach and say 'Congrats! You are a man now. Love you bro!' Zayn just gave Liam a smile and say 'watch out!' Liam laughed and walked away with Louis. Nialler then came up to Zayn and hug him. 'Congrats. You deserve to be with Diana despite the hurt you cause her!' Nialler said. He then hit Zayn in the arm lightly. 'I love you Zayn!' Niall said and gave him another hug. Niall then walk up to me to congratulate me and gave me a Horan hug! He then chase Louis & Liam. They end up playing catching with each other. Harry was perspiring and went up to me. 'Guess this beautiful babe have been taken by a wonderful man! Congrats babe.' He said and gave me a kiss on my cheek. 'You lucky man! Congrats. Make her happy before I make her happy!' Harry teased Zayn and hit him in his stomach lightly. 'Oh yeah, i love you man!' Harry said and gave him a hug. He then ran towards the rest of the lads.

I looked at Zayn and put my tongue out. 'Race you to the boys! The loser must kiss the winner!' I said and ran towards the boys.

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