Convince Me

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Sanji pulled away with wide eyes and shock written across his face. His heart pounded in his ears as his mind went blank staring at Zoro.

"W-what?!" He cried.

Zoro sighed, "Look Sanji, I've been in love with you since freshman year when you moved to our school. I looked forward to your class everyday and came in late or started fights to get your attention. Hell i'm eighteen and an adult. So it would be okay-"

Sanji put a finger to his lips, "Let's discuss this at dinner."

He nodded as they headed downstairs to the dinner table. Zoro sat on the other side of Sanji while he was feeding Loulee. Once he finished he sat on the other side of Zoro and took a breath. He glanced up to Zoro with a serious blue eyed look. His confidence was slowly dwindling.

"So, let's say we did." Sanji started, "What if the word gets out? Zoro I could lose my job and my reputation of the school. What then?"

"I wouldn't tell anyone. I swear. You mean too much to me to lose your job and whatever. It will be our little secret."

"What about your parents? I'd assume your father would catch on from now and again for you sneaking off to my house more and more often."

"I'd just say your tutoring me or you're showing me some new recipe you made."

Sanji rested in the palm of his hand, "It's unprofessional."

"But you didn't say you didn't like me back."

It was quiet a moment as a smirk grew on Zoro's lips. He watched Sanji slowly realize he didn't deny the fact that he too had feelings for the student. Sanji cleared his throat and began to eat. Zoro rested on the back of his hands with a proud look on his face.

"I'm thinking about going back into weight training." Zoro purred.

Sanji glanced up at him, "It suits you."

"I know, all those push ups really do a number on me."

A hue of blush grew over Sanji's cheeks, "Alright enough. You little snoop."

"What's the deal with Mr. Trafalgar's sex photo?"

Sanji snapped up to him, "Don't you dare tell him I have that or I'll fail you."

"It's not yours is it?"

"Shut up and eat your food."

Zoro obeyed eating at his dinner. It was quiet, but looks were exchanged as Sanji thought things through. He might have to talk to someone about this. But he wasn't sure who. Zoro reached over and placed a hand on Sanji's earning his attention.

"I really do love you. I was the one who put the flyer to this house here. I was the one who gave you roses on Valentine's Day cause I knew you didn't have anyone. I-"

"I know." Sanji said, "At first I thought you were just being nice and being a kind student. But. The way you look at me, is no look i've seen from any student before. But a horny teenager."

Zoro grunted as Sanji chuckled.

They finished eating as Sanji did the dishes Zoro sat at the bar watching him. His stomach was in knots and on a roller coaster that seemed to never end. He wanted to hear something. A rejection or an acceptance of his love. Or some compromise. Anything. But, Sanji kept scrubbing at the dishes before putting them away. As he finished he wiped off his hands on a towel and turned to Zoro. He perked up as Sanji motioned him to the living room. Zoro nodded and stepped away from the bar and headed into the living room.

Sanji rested against the counter and folded over the hand towel and hung it over the handle of the stove. He sighed heading into the living room and took a seat next to Zoro. Where Zoro's hands were stuck between his knees. His confidence was withering away by each longing moment of silence. He now was awaiting for the slow pain of rejection. Figuring if he could still switch out of Sanji's class or not.

"Kiss me."

Zoro snapped to Sanji. He was level with Zoro with a hand keeping him leaned over Zoro between them. Zoro cocked a brow as Sanji repeated himself.

"Kiss me like you mean it."

"Wh- what for?"

"I can't decide unless you-"

Zoro didn't hesitate to kiss Sanji on the lips. It was slow at first, pulling each other close until Zoro was in Sanji's lap. With lips parting slightly just to get a little bit more of a taste of each other. Zoro pulled back with a proud smirk on his lips panting softly.

"H-How wa-was that?" Zoro breathed.

"The rumors were true." Sanji said.

Zoro's smirk faded, "Huh?"

"I guess you are a pretty good kisser. But if we are going to do this. We're going to have to set some rules."

He lit up kissing Sanji again before pulling back.

"First we're not dating until your attitude and your tardiness gets better. You're doing fine so far with your grades so I don't care at the moment." Sanji said.

Zoro nodded, "Okay and?"

"If you breathe a word of this it's over understand?"

He nodded again, "Is that all?"

"You can come over three times a week. I don't want your father to get suspicious."

"Sounds fair."

"Good. So improve yourself before things take off. Until then we will talk."

"I'm pretty sure we'd be doing more then that."

"Get off me you perverted teenager."

Zoro chuckled, he stepped up to the door. Sanji watched him the whole way. He frowned as Zoro stopped at the door.

"Oh, I'm keeping the shirt by the way."

"Get out." Sanji groaned.

He chuckled leaving Sanji alone. Who sighed pulling out his phone. He rummaged in his pocket before pulling out his phone. Sanji flicked through his contacts before stopping to a simple name and pressed it to his ear. Sanji slouched forward resting on his palm listening to the soft hum of his phone.

He grumbled reaching over to the vibrating device. Running a tattooed hand through his raven hair he picked up his phone and pressed it to his ear. While a free hand ran through the dark locks of his lover on his chest.

"Hello?" He grumbled.

"Law, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Sanji said.

"When you call I know it's important. What's the problem?"

"I. I need to talk to you about something Monday morning."

"Can I ask what this is about?"

"Not now. It's personal."

"I see. I will see you Monday morning."

Then they both hung up. The smaller man on his chest shifted earning Law's attention. He stretched his arms around Law's neck while his inked fingers cupped the young boy's face.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"Oh no one important. But I think you should go love. I don't want Sabo and Ace to worry about there little brother."

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