No Longer

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Sanji dressed himself up in his cap and gown. Putting his honors tassel on his robe and and his tassel onto his cap. Sanji slipped onto his shoes before scratching Loulee under the chin and headed out of the house. Where he noticed the bunch of cars outside of Zoro's house. He smiled softly to the many hugs Zoro got from his family or friends. Sanji smiled getting into his car and started the engine. He perked up when the window was tapped on. He turned to Zoro leaning over the door with a smirk on his lips. Sanji rolled down the window.

"What can I do for you, Mr. graduate." Sanji said.

"I was hoping I could hitch a ride with you." Zoro said.

"You want a ride from me? What about your family?"

"They will be fine."

Sanji sighed, "Fine, get in."

Zoro grinned hopping over the hood of his car and got into the passenger's seat. Zoro pulled Sanji into a kiss, having the blonde kiss back. Until he pulled back with a soft gasp. He turned to Zoro's driveway seeing his family.

"Damn it they saw."

"Relax. They know."

"You told?!"

"No, my dad pieced things together. But see's I'm happy. Besides I think him and Shanks are seeing each other again and I'd rather not be home for that."

"Why is that?"

"They both are very kinky."

"How do you know that?"

Zoro shrugged, "I went snooping through his stuff cause I wanted my phone back. Lets just say. I found some things that should've been left alone."

Sanji chuckled, "You do like to snoop through peoples things don't you. Little klepto."

"I guess we should be going. Don't want to be late." Zoro grinned.

Sanji sighed, backing out of his driveway and headed to the arena. Sanji and Zoro headed inside where they checked in. Zoro had to head down a small hall where he had to be with the other students. They all were chatting about finally graduating or talking about what they were going to do after graduation. Zoro frowned remembering the letter in his pocket. He glanced around before pulling out the letter. It was from a police academy. A school Zoro has wanted to go into since he was a kid.

He ripped open the letter with his teeth before pulling out the letter. Zoro read over the document with his lip stuck between his teeth. He grinned softly as he read his acceptance letter into said school and he would be starting in the fall. Zoro gave a small, 'yes' as he stuffed the letter into his pocket. The lights soon flickered as the students were lined up and headed out into the arena. Families cheered and screamed from the top of their lungs. Zoro noticed his family then the teachers lined up clapping for them. Law and Sanji stood in their caps and gowns clapping for them.

Zoro grinned proudly walking past them as Sanji rolled his eyes. Once the students were seated as were the teachers. Sanji furrowed to something in his pocket. He rummaged in his pocket pulling out a letter. Looked to have the top of it ripped open with teeth. Sanji frowned knowing who's letter this was. Law looked over his shoulder as Sanji pulled the letter out of the tattered envelope. He smiled softly to the acceptance letter before putting it into his breast pocket.

"One more year." Law sighed.

Sanji turned to him before back up to the principal, "Yeah, Luffy will be up there and the two of you will be scott free."

"Not so much, Sabo and Ace have been very watchful of there little brother."

"Jee, I wonder why?"

"I will bite you."

They glanced to each other before pursing there lips and looking back to the principal. Where names of students were called. Parents howled and cheered taking flash photos or holding up signs. Once Zoro's name was called Sanji clapped and heard Luffy and Perona call his name. He chuckled softly taking his diploma with a picture of the district principal before heading off the stage. Law leaned over Sanji's ear.

"He's no longer your student." Law whispered.

Sanji glanced to him as Law smirked.

Once the ceremony was over, Sanji waited outside with a bundle of flowers. Zoro was in the distance chatting with some friends. Before he noticed Sanji and said his goodbyes. He grinned approaching Sanji, they embraced. Sanji handed him the flowers before kissing him softly. Zoro snapped back glancing to the few people who witnessed.

"You're not my student anymore. So. I can do with you as I please." Sanji hummed.

Zoro blushed but pouted.

"You know I'm proud of you right?" Sanji asked.


"I wanted to ask you to move in with me. I figured since, we're a thing after all."

"I'd love to."

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