Dessert Before Dinner

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Zoro stepped inside feeling a soft rub against his leg. He turned to a white Persian cat sitting next to his leg. He smiled picking up the white cat and petting her softly.

"Of course Loulee, I could never forget about you." Zoro said.

She purred in his arms as he scratched behind her ears and down her back. Sanji cocked a brow to this. Usually she was scared of anyone who walked into the house. But she was always friendly when Zoro came over. He guessed Zoro comes over so often she's warmed up to him.

"So you want something to eat?" Sanji asked.

"Sure." Zoro said.

They headed into the kitchen as Sanji pulled on his apron and tied it behind his back before pulling out a cookbook. Zoro sat at the bar with Loulee in his hands. She hopped up on the counter dragging her tail under Zoro's chin before jumping down on the floor. Then strutted over to her food bowl.

"I think your cat thinks she's a model." Zoro said.

Sanji chuckled, "Wouldn't surprise me. She only eats food I make her then the canned stuff."

Zoro rested on his palm noticing a picture of Sanji and an older man hanging up in the kitchen. He looked to be Zoro's age at the time. They were both dressed up as cooks with wide smiles on their faces and a document shared between their hands.

"What's up with the photo? Did you just put it up, I haven't seen it before?"

Sanji tore away from the cookbook before looking over to the photo. He grinned turning back to Zoro.

"Oh that's me and my old man. When we finally got the paperwork for our restaurant. Which then became a great hit. I became a cook with him on the weekends since I got my teaching job." Sanji said.

Zoro hummed, "If you weren't a teacher, you'd be a cook?"

"Most likely."

Zoro smirked giving Sanji a dirty look as he walked to the fridge pulling out what he was going to make for dinner.

"So, if you lost your teaching job. You'd be a cook?" Zoro asked.

Sanji cocked a brow to that, "Why did you say it like that?"

He shrugged, "Just asking."

"Well yes. Unless I found my cafe. I'd love to run a little cafe."

Zoro smiled hearing Sanji talk about a little cafe he'd run. With little treats and sweets he would make for people and drinks. If Sanji didn't get the teaching job he would of worked in a cafe.

"I wish you did." Zoro muttered.

"What was that?" Sanji asked.

"Can I put on some music?"

"Oh sure."

Zoro hopped off the chair before heading over to the radio. He turned onto some classical love music before turning to Sanji. Who hummed the tune of the song before swaying softly. His hands were chopping up some vegetables before he stopped for a moment. He turned to Zoro.

"Can you go in my garden and pull out a carrot for me?" Sanji asked.


Zoro headed into the backyard seeing the small garden of flowers. Beside them was a small garden of vegetables and fruits. Zoro stepped up to them and knelt down to the vegetables. Pulling out a carrot he got up and headed inside to Sanji who grinned to the carrot and stepped up to him.

"Thank you." Sanji said taking the carrot.

Zoro nodded as Sanji went to wash it off and finish up dinner.

"Hey I'm going to the bathroom." Zoro said.

"You know where it is." Sanji said.

He nodded going into the living room. Noticing the other cookbooks and the large TV hung up on the wall. Zoro went upstairs and headed down the hall. He stopped before the bathroom door before he smirked. He looked down the hall before stepping back from the bathroom door and into the room across from it. Sanji's room.

Zoro stepped inside seeing how clean and folded his room was. He also had a TV on his dresser across from his bed. Loulee jumped up onto his bed mewing softly before curling up on the middle of his bed. Zoro knelt down before his bed glancing at the door before back to the bed. Lifting the covers and the skirt of the bed. There was a box under the bed. He smirked reaching over to the box and sliding it out. As he opened the lid he found a bunch of nude magazines. Along with a small black box.

He flicked open the lid, inside was a bunch of photo's of shirtless men. Or maybe wearing a little less than a shirt. Zoro flicked through them and stopped to one. A cheesy grin grew on his lips seeing it was him. From weight training from last year. All shirtless and sweaty doing a pushup and all. It looked to be cut out of a yearbook. He chuckled flipping through them finding a couple more after but stopped to another.

"Mr. Trafalgar?" Zoro muttered.

Yes, the science teacher. He and Sanji were close but Zoro didn't think that close. He was covered in tattoo's and pretty much bare naked. He put the photo back in the box before shoving it back under the bed. Zoro got up heading over to the dresser. He stopped turning to the door and waited a moment. Once he head Sanji singing softly from the kitchen he turned back to the dresser. He opened the first drawer and rummaged through Sanji's folded shirts before-

"What are you doing?"

Zoro yelped slamming the drawer and snapped over to Sanji leaning against the doorway. His arms crossed and brow cocked.

"Oh um. I got my shirt dirty from going through your garden. I didn't think you'd mind-"

Sanji chuckled, "If that's all then I might have something for you."

Zoro stepped away as Sanji stepped up to the drawer and knelt down to the bottom drawer. His curious onyx eyes followed Sanji's skilled hands through the folded shirts before he pulled out a dark tank top with some skull and crossbones on it. Written above it was 'Soul King' a band from when Sanji was in high school.

"This should fit you." Sanji said.

He handed it to Zoro who took the liberty to strip before him. Pulling off his shirt and taking the tank top. He grinned as Sanji's cheeks had a soft hue of pink.

"Well dinner is ready. Don't want it to get cold." Sanji said standing.

As he was going to walk away, Zoro grabbed the back of his shirt earning his attention. Sanji turned to Zoro who kept to his shirt.

"What's the matter?" Sanji asked.

"C-can you close your eyes?" Zoro asked.

"What for-"

"Just please?"

Sanji sighed shutting his eyes, Zoro built up the nerve to do something he's wanted to do for years now. He gripped Sanji's collar of his button up before pulling him to his lips.

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