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"How did you keep that shit dangling?" Law chuckled.

Sanji shrugged, "Just put their education before their sex life. And whalla. You've dated a student for almost three months and you haven't laid a hand on him."

"But he did blow you in the closet."

"But did I touch him?"

Law sighed resting back against his chair, "Got me there."

The bell chimed as Sanji and Law sighed. They both wished each other good luck before getting on with the day. Sanji walked into his class to see some stressed students trying to pull up their presentations Sanji sat at his desk pulling out a smal cup of names on sticks. He rummaged in the sticks before picking up a name. He glanced to the name before glancing back up to the students.

"Ms. Snow, you're up first."

The girl with short blue hair gasped turning to Sanji.

As the lunch bell rang, the door was thrown open. Sanji perked up to Zoro panting softly he glanced up to Sanji before grinning he bolted up to his desk having Sanji frown and blink to the student. Zoro held out a piece of paper Sanji glanced to it, Zoro had gotten four out of his six classes grades. And they all were higher than a C+. Even his math class. Sanji pursed his lips before glancing up to Zoro with that proud smirk on his face.

"I can't wait to be riding your hard-"

"Horse! My horse, that my family owns."

Sengoku walked into the room as Zoro frowned to him. Sanji stood as Sengoku walked into the room and held out a small folder.

"We got to know who is graduating and who isn't. I need the names of those who are not in this folder."

Sanji nodded taking the folder and looked over a list of his students. Sengoku started to walk out of the room before he stopped in the doorway. He furrowed before turning to Zoro and cocked a brow.

"How do you know Mr. Vinsmoke has a horse?"

"Zoro lives across the street from me." Sanji said marking the students who aren't graduating.

He hummed before furrowing, "Go to lunch don't bother your teachers!"

Zoro grumbled leaving with Sengoku as Sanji sighed in relief resting back in his chair.

"Too close." Sanji sighed.

As the final period bell rang, Sanji perked up to the nicely dressed students he pulled out a blank worksheets and clipped them to his clipboard before reaching over to his sticks. He reached out plucking one from the pile. He glanced to the name before smirking. That name wasn't the one he wanted, but. He improvised.

"Zoro, you're up first." Sanji smiled.

He glared at him before sighing. Unplugging his flash drive before plugging it into the room computer and pulling up his powerpoint. Sanji shut off the lights, loosening his tie slowly and unbuttoning a few buttons then sat back in his chair. Once Zoro turned around he stiffened softly, then clutched his fists. Sanji smirked leaning over his desk over his laced fingers. Zoro took a breath and began his presentation. But stumbled a little to Sanji's teasing. But managed to pass. Sanji filled out the paper as a volunteer went up next. Sanji gave a defeated sigh when he gave Zoro that A-. Then showed Zoro the paper, he lit up and grinned looking up to Sanji.

"You earned it, congratulations. You've passed my class." Sanji said.

Sanji held out his hand to him, Zoro grinned shaking his hand, Sanji pulled him close and leaned over his ear.

"We will celebrate at home."

Zoro grinned as Sanji wrote his grade in the class before signing it. He handed it to Zoro who grinned before going down to the office to turn in his paper. Sanji sighed sitting in his chair and then finished the non graduates.

Shanks popped a bottle of champagne, before pouring it into the glasses. Sanji watched as Zoro had gotten a headlock and pulled into his side. Zoro groaned as Shanks held up his glass.

"In honor of our graduate! The one we thought would never graduate. Congrats Zoro, and thank you Mr. Vinsmoke for your help."

Sanji chuckled raising his glass slightly. Everyone cheered taking a drink as Zoro slipped from Shanks grip and headed over to Sanji. He grumbled as Sanji nudged him earning his attention.

"Congrats Zoro. You came so far." Sanji said.

"I won't be the only one."

Sanji stepped on his foot.

Mihawk glanced to them from the corner of the room. Shanks was on about Luffy, until he said something sparking Mihawk's intrest. He snapped to Shanks earning the redhead to shut up.

"What did you say?" Mihawk asked.

"Luffy is going to be able to graduate next year."

"Before that."

"Since Luffy has been hanging out with Mr. Trafalgar more, he's been getting better grades and doing well in-"

Mihawk sighed turning back to the two, "Figures, there seeing each other. I knew it from the start and now I'm too late to stop it."

Shanks chuckled, "He's not a kid anymore. Besides, if you look at them, I see they both do truly care for each other. Hell maybe they love each other, wouldn't you want that?"

"Sometimes your right. Other times, you're just obnoxious."

"Besides, once you get the kids out of the house, you and me can have some personal time. Hm? Like the good ol days."

Mihawk stiffened to the hand to his rear, he slapped Shanks across the face then stormed off.

"How about you and me sneak off? Meet me at home in ten minutes. I have a little gift for you too."

Zoro grinned before he nodded. Then the two separated, Zoro made the excuse he was going to bed, while lying saying he was up all night studying. Mihawk sighed and let him go, while Shanks smirked in the background. Zoro went upstairs and headed to his room, where he shut the door and climbed out of the window. Zoro jumped down and headed across the street.

Mihawk pushed open his door seeing Zoro go into the house across the street. He watched as he was greeted in a hug and a passionate kiss before they disappeared into the darkness. A hand touched his shoulder having Mihawk sigh and put his hand on Shanks.

"Come on, let him go." Shanks said.

"I'm considering taking up you offer." Mihawk said.

Shanks cocked a brow, "What do you mean?"

Mihawk turned to him, "When we got the kids we didn't have time for dating. Since they are already on there own path, I have all this free time. So. I'd like to officially ask you out on a date."

Shanks snickered, "I'd like that."

A/N: Before the kids, Shanks and Mihawk were fuck buddies.

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