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A/N: I got too excited sorry. But I hope you guys like it. As it goes on it has me worried I might lose readers or get more. Who knows. My fingers are crossed this will be a big hit.

"So listen..."

Zoro glanced over to her. A girl just under his age. She had a curl of her rich caramel hair wrapped around her index finger. The bell to sixth period just rang and Zoro was running out of time. Class was just staring and it was his favorite class. English. Not because of the class but because-

"Are you even listening?" She asked.

Zoro glanced back to her chocolate eyes burning into his own onyx. Her lips pressed in a line holding onto her messenger bag. She handed him a letter having Zoro take it and look at it.

"Read it later then meet me after school with your answer. But I already know your answer." She said.

Then left, leaving Zoro to roll his eyes. He stuffed the letter in his pocket before heading down the hall to his class. English 1031. Where he opened the door and was greeted with the entire class and an extra set of eyes. He smirked as the teacher looked to him from the book he was going over.

"Oh Mr. Roronoa I'm so glad you could finally join us." He said.

Six years. He was six years apart from this man. A young man with blonde hair and some facial hair. He admired him, for years now. The blonde man who held everything Zoro was looking for in a partner. But. He was also Zoro's teacher.

Zoro chuckled shutting the door as the teacher watched Zoro take his seat. Oh how Zoro loved that blue eye watching him the entire way. If he was lucky he'd get to see the glint of the second behind his blonde bangs.

This was Sanji Vinsmoke. Zoro's wet dream of a teacher. He was tall, thin, and had legs that seemed to go on forever and a day. Not to mention his ass was simply beautiful and needed more attention.

"Is that blood?" Mr. Vinsmoke asked.

Zoro perked up as he wiped his nose. Blood smeared across his arm as he glanced up to Mr. Vinsmoke. He smirked know resting on his palm with a cocky smirk on his lips.

"Oh, this. There was just a little scuff that happened. Nothing more nothing less." Zoro said.

"I hope this is the last of your little scuffs and your tardiness."

Zoro gave a breathless answer, "You'd like that wouldn't you."

But he went on teaching about today's lesson. Zoro's eyes kept to the older man and his finely tuned body. He's admired Sanji since freshmen year. Not that he was a senior he was going to finally make his move on his beautifully sculpted teacher.

Zoro grumbled feeling the note in his pocket before he pulled it out. He opened it and began to read it seeing the hearts and swirls of love in the page. Once he finished reading it he crumpled it in his hand before shoving it in his pocket. He rested back on his palm and turned back to Sanji. But grunted when an elbow nudged his. He turned to his classmate Nami.

"What?" He whispered, "Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Getting hard yes. But what is this?"

He turned to her seeing the crumpled up piece of paper. Zoro snapped it away and shoved it back in his pocket.

"Stop taking my shit." Zoro grunted.

"So a girl asked you out and what are you going to say?" Nami hushed.

"No obviously. I'd rather be fucked then get fucked."

She rolled her eyes as the final bell rang. Everyone was in a mad rush to get out. All but Zoro who took his time getting out of class. Sanji sighed pushing his glasses up onto his forehead. His eyes kept to Zoro rummaging through his bag.

"Mr. Roronoa, I hope whatever you and Nami were discussing during class was important." Sanji said.

"Oh, trust me. It wasn't. She was chatting about what she was doing this weekend." Zoro said.

Sanji hummed, "Oh, well. As long as you know to talk about that after class."

He turned to Sanji pulling on his backpack. Zoro stepped up to Sanji being just a head shorter then said man.

"I hope you have a good weekend, Sanji." Zoro said.

Then he stepped away, Sanji furrowed.

"That's Mr. Vinsmoke to-"

Zoro already left.

He sighed crossing his arms and looking to the door, "Have a good weekend Zoro, I do expect to see you."

Zoro thumped the paper at the girl and crossed his arms, "I'm not interested in you or what you do."

She blinked, "W-what? This is some joke right?"

Zoro one of the most popular guys in school, turned down the head popular girl in school. And what he said next broke her heart.

"You heard me."

Then he stepped away catching his bus leaving the girl in tears. She looked to her love letter before back to Zoro's bus.

"You're going to regret that Roronoa."

Zoro headed home with headphones in his ears, his eyes kept to the outside of the bus. He watched his fellow students walk down the streets to their homes, or ride bikes, or even skateboard. Many of them in small groups laughing and talking about. He sighed pulling out his phone and flicked on a better song before putting it back in his pocket. After a few miles or so. Zoro hopped off his bus and headed home where he unlocked the door and headed up to his room. Where he pulled back his curtain and perched in his window with a small smirk on his lips.

"Come on baby, where are you at?" Zoro asked.

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