Adopted by Ariana Grande

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"Flora, get down here, now"said Flora mom.Flora stumbled down the stairs and into the living room. "What"she said lazily."you broke my picture frame, and haven't cleaned it up y st"she said yelling. She then went to the kitchen and got a broom, she handed it to her.Flora took the broom"huh"she said angrily. Flora cleaned up the glass.Flora is a 13 year old girl, with long blonde curly hair almost the color of white l, she never like doing work for her mom, she felt like a maid and her mom was just being lazy.When she was done she went stumping back to her room, she put her headphones back on and sat on her bed.She listened to titanium and singed to the song.

Mom's POV.

I went back in the living room wondering where Flora went, she picked up the glass already and went to her room.I went to her room, I found her asleep with her headphones still on.I decided to get her something from the mall.I got in the car and drove off.

Flora's POV.

I woke up and took the headphones out ears.I went in the living room and mom wasn't there.I guess she went to the store.I thought.

I decided to walk to my friends house in the neighborhood, I put on my converse and walked out the door with my keys, I locked it and walked down the sidewalk.I hoped my mom doesn't know I'm gone, because I've wanted to get out of the house all week since I'm grounded.Last week I got too many detentions that I got expelled now my moms really mad or angry. When I got there, looked at the huge 3 story house before I ring the bell and Haylee my best friends twin sister opened the door."hey, Flora what have you been up to"she said guess I was in trouble. "Well, my mom founded out I got too many detentions and I'm grounded for two weeks"I said acting like I don't care, I really do."where's kayleigh?"I said."inside, we're about to watch a movie"she said.I went inside and followed her upstairs.We went into Kayleighs room and sat down."Hi, Kayleighs"I said."Hey Flora"she said in a mysterious voice."Flora got to many detentions that she got grounded for two weeks"Haylee.I turned to her and gave her the icould tell her myself look.she smiled. "Flora you got grounded for having too many detentions"she said in shock.I just nodded."you know our parents aren't goinh to let us be friend, because they think your a bad influence and if you don't fix all this, your mom might even take you to an adoption center cause I heard her talking to my mom and they we're talking about talking you there and your mom said she dose not want you anymore"she paused and looked at me.she thought of what she just said and how she yelled at me, her sister was shocked at what her sister said.I tried to hold back the threatening tears in my eyes as I stood there staring into her dark chocolate brown eyes."s-so your saying y-you all don't want me h-here"I stuttered. They looked down at there feet and just stayed quiet."your not good friends and I hate you all, my mom, dad that left me,!"I yelled with tears coming down.I ran down the stairs and out the door, I walked to my to my house.When I got there I saw mom's blue car."just great"I said angrily to myself. I went in the house shutting the door quietly, and trying to go back to my room.

"Stay"I heard my mother say coming out of the kitchen. I huffed and sat down, I didn't want to hear her yell and yell and yell."your not allowed to go outside by yourself"she said."your supposed to text me where your going or call that your leaving"she yelled again. "Well, I just went to my not best friends anymore, and then you didn't text or call me that your leaving. "I yelled at her."Flora go to your room now"she said. "You know, Kayleigh and Haylee told me that you don't want me anymore"I said yelling through tears."is that true? "She said looking through her eyes."Flora I ddon't have time to watch you I got work and business tours to go on and alot...but"she was stopped but me when I said"but you don't have time for me"I said crying. I ran to my room and slammed the door in front of my mom and locked it too.

Moms POV.

I was not happy she did that.I decided to take her to that Adoption place in Hollywood, California. I went to her room and found that she was asleep, I packed her bags for her.When I finished I went to the living room and called the people to make sure what time they were open, 8 in the morning. I decided to go at 9, I had to leave for business tour at 10:30.I went to bed and fell asleep.


Flora's POV.

I woke up with my bags packed on my bed.I start to wonder things but stopped before I have a panic attack. Mom still doesn't know I have panic attacks, she doesn't know I keep secrets. I got up and brushed mt teeth and did my daily routine, I went in the closet picked out a rose pink blouse and skinny jean pants and pink and white converse.I went to the kitchen and ate breakfast when mom came in,"hey, I decided to put you in for adoption, your bags are already packed and ready to go"she said trying to hurry. I was going to cry right in front of her and beg her not to"mom why?"I said."because I can't watch you"she yelled. I felt hurt.I went and got my bags and stopped in front of the door and yelled"maybe im happy I want to go to an adoption center,i'd get a better mom than you"than I ran to the car.

When we were driving, I turned on the music to brake the silence, I listened to Ariana Grande, one of her songs the way, I love her songs.We had to drive to Hollywood (Btw, they live in California, L.A) when we got to Hollywood, I wanted to go shopping first so we went into the mall and I got lots of stuff, 5 shorts, 4 pants, 5 dresses, 4 shirts, and 2 pairs of shoes.I threw out the clothes I didn't want anymore and I got a smoothie. We dorve into Hollywood with mom looking for the building.We got out the car and went inside with my bags.She seemed like she was in a hurry, I guess she didn't want me, or wanted to get rid of mefast enough.

"Hi, welcome are you here to adopt?"the lady said nicely.

"Oh no, I'm here to put her up for adoption"mom said.The lady looked at me and I looked down sadly and mom signed the papers and walked off, she seemed happy and relieved, she's probably going to tell all my friends I'm up for adoption in Hollywood and I'll never have to see them again. I thought.

"Hey what's your name and how old are you?"the lady said.

"Um...I'm 13 and my name is Flora"I said.

"Ok Flora, I'll show you your room and your going to be grouped with ages 13-16, ok?"she said walking to the huge bedroom full of beds.I nodded.

"This is your bed, you can unpack, I organized my clothes into each drawer and looked around the room, it was huge to hold 15 kids.I went out of the room and walked around, I found a library with three girls sitting and playing a game.I walked in and they looked at me.I smiled. "Hey, I'm Ashley"one girl said.I sat down next to the girl."I'm Ella"said the other."and I'm Kenzie"the bblonde said.Ella looked like she was 14 and was a brunette with short curly hair and dark brown eyes.Ashley had brown hair and really light brown eyes, she looked 14.Kenzie has blonde hair and blue and hazel eyes, she looked 13."what's your name?"said Kenzie."I'm Flora, and I'm 13 years old".I said.They smiled.

"So what do you do here?"I asked."um...we play games here after school and do homework, we have scheduled were we have to do chores, go to bed at 7pm,wake up at 6 to go to school. We get to go to the mall or stores if there's someone older than us"Ella said."we're the only ones older than everyone,the rest of the kids are 6-12"Ashley said.

We talked and ate lunch than we had to go to bed.I laid in bed and watched everyone fall asleep.I couldn't sleep, I started to have a panic attack, I couldn't breathe I stood up, my arms and hands were shaking.I really couldn't breathe, I went to go wake up Ashley cause she said she sometimes had panic attacks too.She saw me and ran to calm me down.I calmed down but then started crying I sat down with her on my bed and talked"what's wrong?"she asked.

I-I miss my friends"I said."it's okay, it gets better someday we'll all get adopted and have better friends and family"she said.hugging me.I stopped crying and soon I fell asleep. I had a dream about me and mom when I was 5.I wish I was still like that, nice and not a panicky girl, which that what everyone called me at school. I am sometimes not nice when I'm angry, I have a problems with being aggressive.My dream was a dream that will always haunt me.

He guy you like this? You should read my other story-you changed my life (Jessie)

I'll update sunday since I will be still writing my other story friday.

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