chapter 16-getting shot for you

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Flora's POV.

I woke up, and put clothes on, I went downstairs for breakfast and saw Ashley at the table eating."hey Ashley"I said."oh um h-hey flora"she said with a fake smile.that weird.I sat and ate breakfast. Ariana and Jeanette came down."hey guys we're going to the mall right now, you guys are coming with us"said Jeanette. I finished eating and so did Ashley. "Can I stay home"Ashley asked."we're not leaving you home"ariana said.Ashley got up and we went to the mall.we we're in and Ashley was scared I wonder why.ariana and Jeanette noticed too."are you okay Ashley"said Jeanette. She shook her head as a no."what wrong"ariana asked.Ashley pointed at the guy with a muscular body and spiky hair and wearing black and jeans and a black leather jacket."so what's wrong with that guy"Ariana say.The guy looked at us and saw Ashley with scared looking eyes and he became angry."he's the guy that killed myparents, and now he wants to kill me"she said.Jeanette and Ariana looked scared.we started walking fast but he followed. We saw some fans with us .The guy pulled out a gun"run and I shot someone"he said.we sstopped and the fans were looking at us.he signaled for Ashley to come forward.she slowly came forward and the guy held up the gun."please don't kill me"Ashley begged.he didn't listen. It was all so fast, all I did was jump in front of her and took the bullet.I think I was hit in the chest, I felt the pain in my chest, I cried.I heard mom calling the ambulance and Jeanette calling the police and fan in shock or scared or crying because they don't want me to die.I felt dizzy and I was losing alot of blood.I blacked out before the police came into the mall and ambulance putting me in the vehicle.

Ariana's POV.

I watched as they put flora in and helped Ashley up."don't touch her"said the guy with spiky hair.the police walked to him and the bad guy held the gun.the police stopped and .the bad guy pointed the other gun at Ashley,and yeah he had two guns.the fans watch in horror at what was happening. He shot Ashley and she screamed loud for the whole mall to hear, I moved her away from the bullet and he missed by 5 inches.the polices took him away and we were got into the car and held to the hospital.

Ashley's POV.

While we were in flora's hospital room, I was getting scared if she going to wake up or not.I went into the cafeteria and saw Haylee and kayleigh sitting down.why do I run into this girls.I walked to them and sat down."what are you doing here"kayleigh asked. "I was going to ask the same to you"I said."well first we moved here last month and second our grandfather is here....he...had a heart attack."she said sadly. "Wow, well I'm here because...I was almost killed by a murder in the mall and.....flora...she took the bullet for me and...she's in the hospital because we don't know if she's okay or not....the doctors won't tell us"I said tears coming from my eyes.they looked sad."wow I'd never knew flora, the girl who doesn't care about anything, would get shot for you"said haylee in a sad tone.I nodded. "We are like sisters"I said."girls who's this"a lady with dark brown hair says."oh this is Ashley, she's flora's cousin, flora is in the hospital"they say."oh did she do something bad again"the lady said in a mean face suddenly went red and I had fire in my eyes.I stood up harshly. "She never did anything bad, she's not even as bad as your freaking daughters sitting there.Flora is in the hospital because she was the murder who killed my parents..."I paused because I was crying."...she took the bullet from me and....she let herself get shot...for me....and if you don't like her, then I'm guessing your just some person that doesn't care, about anything...don't judge her, she actually a nice person....and haylee and guys stopped being friends with her just because she's a bad influence...well open your eyes, it's not that hard to eyes flora as a nice and sweet person, and you don't even no why she's a bad influence"I cried my eyes out."do you know"there mom asked.I looked at her, should I tell her? Would flora be mad. I nodded. "She gets panic attacks, she can't handle everything around her, she's need a person that cares about her...and her stupid mom, she never cared about her"I said they were quiet.I ran with tears in my eyes.I ran to a nearest restroom and locked myself inside, I held to needle I stole from the nurse and held my arm.I hhaven't did this since I was at the adoption center. I pressed the need in to my skin and made a sharp cut.I saw blood all on my arm.when I was done I wiped it all up and opened the door, I dried my tears and started walking back to the and ariana went to the hospital cafeteria.I sat on her bed and saw her.flora was so pale her lips were light pink.she felt cold as ice.I held back tears.

"Flora your a great friend, I don't want to lose you.your like the only person I know that I feel close to.please don't give up on me, it should of been me who was shot, my whole family is dead and I could've been with them, mom and ariana want you to wake up....I stood up to haylee and kayleigh for you, and I know they are jerks but I think they still want to be your friend. Flora please wake up.I don't want you to die.not even the fans."I cried and hugged her cold body.I slowly walked out, wiping the tears."hey"someone said.I turned around and saw haylee and kayleigh. "What do you want"I asked. "We want to say we're sorry, we were jerks to you guys.we heard everything you said to her and we do want to be her friend."they said.I looked into they eyes and I saw sadness in them.I ran and hugged them both."you want to come home with me, I need someone to keep me company, I don't like being by myself"I said in a sad tone.they nodded and we went home with ariana and Jeanette.


I was in the room on my computer and the twins were watching tv.I turned the tv. To the news and saw the murder on tv. He was in a orange jumpsuit and had spiky hair."Mike snuffler is going to jail for his life, for killing the family of five six months ago, but one was adopted by ariana the girl Ashley grande was in the mall with her family and the murder was also there, she was almost shot but flora her cousin, took the bullet for getting her shot in her right chest and now in the hospital, with have no information if she's okay or not"the news people said.I turned it off and laid on my bed."lets go into the pool, you have get out of your room somehow"kayleigh says.I nodded and got three bathing suits and gave them some.we went into the indoor pool and swim for awhile. "Hey Ashley do you think you would go to the mall ever again"haylee said.that reminded me, I left my phone there."hey can we go back I left my phone at the mall"I said "ok"we cha ged back into our regular clothes and walked to the mall.when we got there, we looked everywhere. I found it where I left it.I picked it up and looked at it."I got 15 messages? "I said to them.I checked the messages when I got home and sat on the bed, Haylee and kayleigh sat with me.I looked and saw 15 pictures of the guy and my family, I saw them killed and dead on the ground.then the last picture frighten me the most, it was Austin mahone and him...I was on the ground, they were laughing. I start to panic and I knew that Austin mahone is downstairs right now, ariana and Jeanette told him to babysit us even though we don't need one.I couldn't breathe, I sat in a corner and pulled my knees against my chest."are you okay"kayleigh said."h-he's it can't b-be"I said.I start to shiver and rock back and forth."your freaking me out"kayleigh says."I'll get Austin"she said."NO"I half screamed. I was obsessively starring at the wall, for some reason.kayleigh went downstairs to get Austin. 10 minutes later he came upstairs and saw me In a corner.I tried to calm me down, but it didn't work.I was afraid of him.kayleigh picked up my phone and saw the picture, her eyes became wide open and so did haylee's.they looked into my eyes and saw what was wrong with me."um...Austin...s-she's s-she's just tired and...has slept since flora's in the hospital"kayleigh said.I felt relief.Austin nodded and went downstairs.they came to me an put me in the bed, it 9:35 and I was tired.since I have a huge queen size bed they came and slept with me.I fell asleep in the middle and them sleeping on each side of the bed keeping me safe.Ariana had to change the day of tbe dinner party, since flora's in the hospital. I don't want to go to sleep while Austin's here but my eyes closed and I slept.


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Plz comment and vote or follow.sometimes I'll put quotes in the chapters so here's one, that has to go with the story.!!! Tomorrow is my last day of school and I don't think I'm going to school that day, most students in my school are not going so yeah and if I go theres probably going to be like 10 ppeople in my class!!!

Quote-* "you can't live your life in fear of what might happen"-fosters*

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