chapter2-get used to it

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Ariana POV.

"Hey Ari, whatcha doing"said my very best friend Jeanette.

"Hey, I'm practicing for are show (sam and cat if u didn't know).

"Ok, I'll meet you at your producers office, did you forget you had a meeting with him in 20 minutes"she said walking to the door.

"I'll be there Jeanette"I said continuing to scan the script for my line.

10 minutes later I went to get ready.I went to my huge closet of clothes and scaned to see just the outfit that stood out.The pink and purple zebra stripped shirt and jeaned shorts from the mall, I went to my shoe closet and got my neon pink converse and a pink bow to match it.I fixed my hair and make up then went to grab my car keys and went out my house.I got in the car and started the engine.

I got there just on time jeannette was outside waiting on me.I got out my blue car, the ones that be on commercial that say 2014 and stuff.I went into the building and meet her."lets go"she said rushing me.we got on the elevator and into Mr.underwoods office.

"Have a sit"he said plainly.we sat and looked at him nervously as if something was wrong.

"Just let you know, this is not bad news"he said.we signed in relief.

"Then what's wrong, you wouldn't call us here on a perfectly good day"said Jeanette.

"Ariana, the other producers and I think that you should be more mature, your 18 and I think you should adopt two kids.One for Jeanette and one for you, you must get them today,in Hollywood"he said.

Me and Jeanette looked at each other blankly, not especting this.

"What about are carriers, how are we going to pay attention to my singing and our acting carriers"I said.

"It's your job to take care of that, you can pick kids12-15"he said.I was so angry I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. After the he escorted us out.

"We can't get these two kids and I can't watch a kid"said Jeanette.

"Well we have to and I am on a break from singing, I got a tour next month and we still have to practie for sam and cat"said calmly but getting frustrated.

"I gotta go, I'll see you at the adoption center at 5:30"she said walking to her white car."ok"I said getting into my car.I drive through Hollywood, and took a glance at the Hollywood sign.I loved California. I went to the mall and just walked around.I decided to get something for the kids I'm going to adopt.I went into justice and looked around.I saw the perfect think to by, a zebra striped bow and a matching dress.I bought two of the outfits and the bows.I went to my car and set the outfit in the back was now 5:30, I drove to the adoption center Jeanette told me to go to and I found her waiting outside like she always do when I'm late.

I parked the car and got out, I walked to her as she turned to knock on the door.A lady in her early 20s opened the door and greeted us."hello, are you here too adopt or..."she said but Jeanette cut her off."no...we're here to adopt from ages 12-15"she said clearly.

The lady showed us the kids as they walked and stood in a row."girls say hi"the lady said.

"Hi"they all said.I went to the 13 year old cause there easier to watch.Jeanette went to 14 year olds.

"Hi what's your name?"I said looking at the blondish white headed girl with blue eyes.

"I-I'm fl-flora"she said nervously."you don't have to be scared, you cute"I said and she smiled.

"You have a beautiful smile"I said.she just stood there in shock.

"Um...hello"I said nervously. She didn't answer, she just stood there.I saw another girl walking with Jeanette and she looked worried at her friend. "Flora breathe ok"she said calming her down.Flora came to breathe again. "Sorry she just has panic attacks and she your number one fan and I am too"she said.I smiled and turned to Flora she just stood there and shyly smiled like a goof ball."I'm Ashley"the brown headed girl introduced herself."me and Flora are best friends and I have panic attacks too also I get really hyperactive, when I have to much sugar"she said happily. "Is it cool if we adopt you?"I said to both of them."omg yes yes"said Ashley. Flora just nodded temptedly.we went to go pack there bags and get them in the car, me and Jeanette signed the papers and took them to the car."Jeanette has her own car, your friend is adopted by her.we all stay in my house"I said to Flora.she nodded.I guest she was still shocked that she was adopted by a celebraty.

I took her to the mall and got he clothes.Me and Jeanette already got there beds and stuff fo there rooms.we got there iphones and ipads and laptops from the apple store.We went to the food court to eat something. "So..."I said in an awkward silence.Ashley and Jeanette came and sat down"you guys ready to go home cause it's getting dark out and your probably tired"she said.we all nodded and went into the car."are you really Ariana Grande? "She asked.I looked at her amused at what she said."yes i am"she smiled. "Am I dream or is this some surprise panic attack"she mumbled. "Yes this is real and your not dreaming"I laughed. She then felled asleep.

When we got to the house Jeanette was already there I carried Flora up the stairs and into her room.I looked and see Jeanette hug Ashley good night and left to go to her bedroom. I did the same.I didn't fall asleep untill 9:45.

I updated!!! I'll update soon and vote or comment (:

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