chapter 7-studio

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Hey this is going to be short.I'm going to start writing short chapters.I'll update next Friday. (:

No ones POV.

"Wake up Flora"she heard her mom say.she was about to push Flora off the bed when she jumped up."were going to the studio if you wanna come"Ariana said.Flora nodded and she got dressed.Flora went downstairs to find Ash and there friends watching sam and cat.Flora went to join them.

When they got into the car Ariana turned the radio on to one of her songs they all start dancing to the song Right there."why are we going to the studio"Ashley asked."I'm recording one of my songs"Ariana said.

"We're here"said Jeanette.they all got out and started walking towards the building. They walked to the elevator and went into the studio room."hey Ariana you ready to start recording"said her producer."yeah"she said.They all listen to her song and when she was done they all wanted to try to sing in the recording room.

Flora's POV.

We all played with the microphone and after that we had to leave."lets go get ice cream"said Carrie. We all went to eat pizza and ice cream at the fancy restaurant. "You guys stop being so hyper"said Jeanette. We all talked when Carrie and are friends mom came to pick them up and gave mom and jJeanette 20 dollars for watching them.after they left we start to get ready to go.

"Excuse me ma'am but are these your kids"a lady asked.

"Yes they are why"mom said.

"You guys look to young to watch 13 year olds"she said.

"So it's are kids we adopted them cause we fill like they need a nice home and if you don't like it then don't talk to us"Jeanette said and we all left.I looked back and saw the lady with a blank face.I smiled at her and she just waved.

"Mom are you to young to have kids that are 6 years younger than you"I asked .

"Yes but we love you guys and we don't care what people say"she said.I smiled and we went home.

I happily went to bed with a smile on my face still thanking about what she said.then I thought what about the fans?have they told them about us? What will they say? Will they be excited or mad? Will they like me?.

I thought about it and went to sleep. I suddenly felt nervous and anxious.





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