chapter 23-pretty little liars on set

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I woke up and Nora was'nt there. "Nora!"I yelled.I walked to the kitchen and see a big breakfast on the table.I smiled and sat down and started eating. When I was finished I found Nora in her room getting ready to go."where are we going"I said confused. She looked at me."put on your clothes I have to go and rehearse the tv show I'm on"I smiled. "What's the tv show"I said hyperactivitly."it's a surprise"she said.

We got in to the car and started driving there.we came to a huge building.We parked the car and started walking inside."where are we"I said.she giggled and ignored my question. We went into a set that looked really familiar, like I've seen it or watched this tv show before.I gasoed as I saw the girls from pretty little liars standing there."hey Nora"said lucy hale and she looked at me."is this little sister? "She said in aw."she so cute"I giggled. I know I'm cute and short, but I'm not baby. "I'm flora"I said and the other girl came to us say hi."and I'm-"she was cut off by me."your lucy hale"I said hugging her."yeah your right"she said.I hugged the others.I watched as they played on the set.I found out my sister plays Ally the girl that pretended she was dead, but not really dead.I loved be here, it's better than being in Ariana' set at sam and cat.when the show was finished.which I think they were finishing the season premiere. Which now I don't have to watch cause I'm watching it now."hey flora come here"said lucy.I ran to her and she picked me up like a I was a little child and spin me around. I laughed. "Your just so cute"she said.she took me into my sisters dressing room and they started talking.I met the other two girls who plays spencer and Emily. "Hey guys"they both looked. "Hey flora"they said.I sat between them."how old are you"one the girls ask.(btw I don't know there names I only know a few of them real names)"I'm 13"I said."so do you live with your sister"the other girl with light brown hair say."no I'm just staying with her for a little while, I live with Ariana Grande"I said."that's cool"they said."hey flora guess what"Nora said.I turned to see her smiling face."yeah"I said."A producer wants you to sing on Disney"she said.I looked at her like she was crazy."are you crazy! How did you know I could sing anyway and who told you"I said mad.she just laughed. "Ariana told me and she watchs you sing so she told her producer that you are a great singer"she said I just nodded. We talked to each other."lets go to the mall"said Nora.We all nodded. I got into Nora's car and we all went to the mall.when we got there we all went to shop, I went into forever 21 and I got like 50 million clothes. I didn't have my money with me so I told them to put it on my sisters credit card.Nora didn't know.I walk out with my bags in my hair.'where do I go next'I thought. I decided to walk into the nail store.I got my nails designed and painted costed 20 $.

I met the other girls and the frozen yogurt place.we ate there then me and nora went home.I didn't tell her about the money, I probably used up all her was getting dark and we just watched a movie then went to bed.I wasn't tired, I walked quietly downstairs and it was dark I couldn't turn the light off cause I couldn't see.I walked into the game room and turn the lights on.I played a few games, but then I fell asleep.


Hey! This update was short but I'll write longer update might have a quote to it, if you haven't read my other story, it called Adopted by Lauren jauregui(fifth harmony fanfic).what you guys do for fathers day? I bake a cake for my dad and we all went out for dinner. I watch pretty little liars sometimes, but there's this other tv show I mostly watch is the fosters, with maia Michelle in it.I think I spelled her last name wrong.hope you had a great day.please comment, vote or follow (: oh and you might have noticed I have changed the cover, the girl with blonde hair and blue eyes that's Sabrina carpenter you probably know she plays Flora!!!

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