chapter 12-truth or dare

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Lauren's POV.

Today it started raining, I got up and found the rest of fifth harmony and Ariana, Jeanette, Ash and flora play a game."hey what are you playing"I said sitting next to Dinah. "Truth or dare wanna play"said Ally. "Yeah I'll join"I said.we started the game with Camilla. "Ok Camilla truth or dare"said Jeanette. She paused to think."truth no I mean dare....truth"she decided. We laughed."can I answer this question"said Ashley. Jeanette nodded. "Is camren real?"she said smirking. I looked at Camilla to see her answer. "No where just friends"said Camilla. "Sure that what you always say"I heard Dinah mumble."Ash truth or dare"said Camilla. She smirked. "Dare I wanna do something random"she said.Camilla laughed and Ashley looked confused. "Follow me"she said.we all followed her and we stopped outside. "Ash your going to run all the way to the fence and back here in the rain"she said.Ashley looked at her crazy. "You said you wanted to do something random"she said.Ashley got ready, she was wearing shorts and a tank top and her converse.we counting down and she ran as fast as she could.we cheered for was 15minutes when she came back panting and wet.we went inside when Flora noticed Ashley's face was red."are you okay"flora said."n-no"suddenly we turned to her and saw how red her face was and how hard she was breathing. "Oh no"flora said.She ran to get something out of her bag and it looked like a inhaler.flora put it in her mouth and we watched as Ashley breathed deeply into it.she became calm and she was now breathing fine.we all looked frightened. "I'm so sorry I dared you to go out there"Camilla said."it's okay you didn't no I had asthma"Ashley said.we all went into the living room and sat on the chair."whose next"said Ashley. We all looked at each other and shrugged."you pick"I said."ok Ariana"she said."truth or dare"she said."dare"Ariana said.Ash went with normani into the kitchen and they came back with a cup of greenish stuff, it smelled worst then it looks."whats that"ally said."um...let Ariana drink it and she'll tell us"normani said laughing. She gave her the cup and Ariana drink it.I turned around and to see her and the stuff came everywhere on me."heeeeyyyy"I said wiping it off with a napkin. They all laughed."oh my god what was that"she said.ash and normani laughed there heads off."we put eggs, milk, mixed socks in it, rain from outside and raw fish in it"normani said laughing and then we all started laughing except for Ariana."what wrong"Camilla said.I looked and Ariana's face was greenish color. She ran into the closest bathroom and throw up.she came back with sad and angry face.we stopped laughing and looked at her."I can't believe you made me drink that its gross"she said.we laughed. "Its not funny"she said."okay"said Ashley and we all stopped laughing. "Jeanette your next"Ariana said."truth or dare"she said."dare"we all looked at her."I want you to do a random prank call"Ariana said to her.I smirked. She took out her phone and dialed some random number.

"Hello"a women with a British accent said.

"Hello"she said.

"Whose this?"the women said.

"It's the dimper company, this morning you order these new diapers called poof panties"Jeanette said.

"Poof panties?"the women said.

"Yes it will be order in 20minutes to your house and we need 200 dollars"Jeanette said.

"200 dollars !!! And what's poof panties?"the women started to yell in the phone.

"Yes money !!! And thank you for your patients your poof panties will be there and we need you money!!! Good bye ma'am"Jeanette said and hang up the phone.

We all burst into laughter."oh my gosh I wonder how the ladys face looked when you hang up"Dinah said laughing. We all ordered pizza and Ally got the popcorn and I got the candy and drinks.we watch 5 mmovies. The fault in our stars, divergent, frozen, twilight and catching fire.Flora fell asleep on me and Ashley was starting to get hyperactive. Jeanette had to carrie her to the bed.I carried flora to her bed and as soon as I was about to walk out, she called my name. "Lauren?"she said."yeah"I said."um....I get nightmares and do you....."I cut her off."yes I can sleep in bed with you"I said and I went into the bed and we fell asleep.

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