chapter 28-the mall!

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I woke up hearing piercing screams from everyone. Me, Lauren, Dinah jumped up and Laughed.they all came down to us.We quickly stopped laughing and act like we didn't do anything.I sat on the chair with my phone in my hand, Dinah pretending to listen to music.Lauren doing nothing. I look over to see that Rydel was covered in whip cream and shaving cream all on her face, Ariana with whip cream in her hair and drawings on her face and everyone else same."guys we know you did this your the only ones with out shaving cream, whip cream or drawings on your faces"said Camilla. I couldn't help but laugh, all of a sudden I burst out in laughter and everyone looked at me.Ariana came to me and start to tickle me I could breathe, my head landed on Lauren's lap and my feet half way off the chair."s-stop"I said laughing. "Not until you admit that you did all of this"she said.I was about to fall off the chair so I grab hold on Lauren leg and held on to her, she tried to push me away but I was on tight."o-okay I admit I-I mean we a-admit that we planned the prank last night in your sleep"I said and she stopped. "We getting revenge on you flora"they said and Lauren and Dinah laughed. "You too Lauren and Dinah"they stopped laughing and pulled up a serious face.I went up to my room to put on a white floral blouse and ripped jean shorts and black heels.I curled by golden blonde hair and put make up on.I did all of my morning routines and went downstairs to see everyone is dressed and already eating breakfast. "You look pretty"said Camilla, I smiled and sat to eat breakfast. Ashley had on dark black ripped pants and a blue T-shirt, blue bow and makeup on, she had flats.haylee was wearing a shirt and random shirt and kayleigh was wearing a strapless shirt and dark black pants her hair was curled in a long ponytail and wearing hooped earrings.she was totally different from her sister, kayleigh was the tomboy type. Avery was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.Carrie was in a black dress.when we all finished eating Avery screamed. We all looked at her."what Avery"maia said.avery looked so happy at her phone." First I'm moving next door to Ariana grande and second l....our new band name is the Grandenators and third lets go to the mall"she squealed.we laughed at her."Avery seriously maybe your just happy or something"I said."NO! I'm actually moving here"she said."were talking about the name"I said."I like the name"she said with puppy eyes at me."do you guys like the name?"I said to my friends. They nodded looking at Avery puppy eyes which turned into a smile."yay!"she yelled running to the door."where are you going"Ariana said."the mall, duh"she said jumping. We followed her and maia and rydel went home so it was just fifth harmony and Ariana and my friends. I got into the passenger seat and my friends got in the back and fifth harmony went into there own car.Ariana drove us to the mall.She parked the car and we got out and so did fifth harmony.

While we walk into the mall, me and my friends went into forever 21 and bought stuff.we went and sat in starbucks and talk.I see my sister and what it looks like my mom, I mean my real mom that came in.I gasp and hide under the table."flora why are you under the table"said Avery. My mom look at me and I came out from under the table. "Flora?"I hear her say and she walked to me."um...h-hi"it sounded more like a question. "Your sister told me you were adopted by Ariana grande"she said."y-yeah"I said."do you want to come back home with me"she asked.Ariana came in and sat next to me."what wrong flora?"she said and looked at my mom and gasped.I think she knew who she was."no I don't"I said and ran out to the nearest bathroom. "Flora? Can I come in"it was Ariana.I let her in and she sat me on her lap sitting on the ground."what if she takes me back? Why does she want me back if she sended me to an orphanage? What will happen if she does something to get me back or....."she cut me off."she doesn't want you remember, she is not getting you back and you will stay with me"she said.she calmed me down by hugging me.we went out of the restroom and went to find Ashley and my friends and fifth harmony.My mom came to me "Flora I want to tell you I'm sorry and I want to give you something you left"she said and handed me my necklace my dad gave me when I was 9.the necklace was real diamonds and had a few charms that reminded me of my family. I hugged her and she walked away with Nora.we found fifth harmony and my friends."lets go home"said Ariana and we went was getting dark and I took a shower and went to bed.


Hey guys sorry for the chapter and sorry for not updating I was working on my other fanfic, you should read its called love at first sight(rowan, Sabrina and Peyton meyer fanfic) I only have 2 chapters right now but I'm writing more and thank you guys for reading this book, remember to comment, vote, follow (:

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