chapter 3-storys and games

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Ashleys POV.

I woke up to a room I never seen before it was huge like I lived in a princesses castle.The walls were neon pink and blue and had Ariana Grande pictures"omg did I switch places with Ariana or am I dreaming"I said to myself.I got up and went to the hallway "wow"I said.I was in some castle or just in a house thinking I was rich.

I went next door to find Flora asleep but turns out she was awake reading a book on her phone."did you know were in a house this huge"I said."duh it's Ariana's house and she's a actor and a singer"she said."oh I knew that"I said plainly."where's Ariana and Jeanette? "I asked."There practicing for sam and cat"she said."I'm going to look around you wanna come, I wanna go to the pool"I said and she nodded.

We went downstairs and looked around there was huge living room and in the next room was the kkitchen. Flora went to look at other room.while I saw the indoor swimming pool."hey I found the game room"said flora.I followed the sound of her voice and went into a room of purple wallpaper and games everywhere, there was a Xbox, Wii,game boards, and other games.

"Lets play just dance 2014"said flora. I joined her"I bet I can beat you"she said.I laughed. "No, I I've been dancing since I was 3 and I won 4 trophies in pagents and dance competions, so watch out"I said smirking.we started the dance.I won the first round.

After the dance was over Flora ended up winning.we laughed at how flora kept falling every time but ended up winning."hey, I see you found the game room"said a familiar voice.We turned around and saw Jeanette and Ariana standing there with a smirk on there faces."how long have you been there"flora said shyly. "When the game ended"they said at the same time.We walked into the living room and sat down."we need to get to know you guys"said Ariana."ok"me and Flora said at the same time.

"I'm Ashley, people call me Ash.I am 14 and I love dancing and singing, I get panic attacks"I said."what's your story about getting into the adoption center"said Jeanette. I looked down and frowned at the thought of me telling them.".....I was 8 and mom and dad and my big sister Anna went to the mall....we got a few things and went into the food court...once we got out I heard a scream coming and someone telling people to get down or hide.we were confused and didn't know what was going on untill there came shooting and everyone screaming...I watched my own mother and father get shot, my sister only got shot in the arm and leg but didn't die...I-l-l dropped down to the floor and carried my sister outside and we just cried until the ambulance came...someone was behind us before the ambulance came and shot me I fell and blacked out...

I woke up in a hospital bed and remember everything that happened, I remember my sister, I doctor came in with a sad look.

"Hey sweet heart, I'm sorry to say this but your family is gone"he said."where are they and where is Anna?"I said confused. He looked down and said "your family is dead and so is your sister, she lost to much blood and died, I'm sorry"he said.

My heart dropped and I cried in bed.I ended up in a adoption center and three months later Flora came."

I finished sadly but didn't cry.they looked at me sadly. "What about you Flora"I said trying to change the subject.

Flora's POV.

Everyone looked at me and I looked down in sadness. "M-my mother didn't w-want me o-one did"I sad crying. Ariana came and hugged me."why?"they said."I never did homework, always bully people but that because I can't tell anyone how I felt, my friends kept secrets from me and my mother did also.I get to many detentions, and I get panic attacks, my dad left me and my big sister whos 21 never wanted me because she didn't want to have the problems my mom had with me"I said sadly."but my story is not as bad as Ash"I said."me and her met last week"I said.

I looked at me sadly."what's your sisters name?"said Jeanette.

"Avery and she's 21 and has blonde hair, short and she always acting goofy when it comes to doing chores and homework"I said.

"So Anyone ready for pizza? "Said Ariana.we nodded happily.

"Hey let's watch a movie in the theater room"said Jeanette. We went to go watch a movie.Then ate pizza.

Sorry I can't finish but I'll update friday or Saturday:).

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