chapter 9-pperformance and meeting fans

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Flora's POV.

I woke up early everyone was still asleep.I got my clothes and went to the bathroom quietly. I put on make up and looked in the mirror. I was wearing a light sky blue sundress and blue high heel sandals.I put on feathered earrings and a bracelet. I did my hair in a ballet bun and put a blue bow on the side of my hair.I went out of the bathroom and everyone was up.They looked at me."you were the first one up?"Carrie asked.I nodded. "Your never the first to be up"said Ashley."are you nervous cause you wake up early when your nervous"she continued. I just went to the front of the bus and sat next to the driver."hi"I said."hey"he said."how long until we get there"I said."about an hour or two"he said."are you happy to see the fans"he said."no I'm more nervous to see them"I said looking down.then I went into the living room, but in caught Ariana and avery and everyone eavesdropping on me."aww your nervous to seethe fans"said ariana.I nnodded and everyone hugged made me smile.

"It's okay to be nervous, the fans will like you and Ashley"said Ariana.I smiled. "Were here"the driver said we all were ready and we heard screaming fans.we made it through the fans and into the building. We went backstage. "Omg I can't believe were backstage"said avery and my other friends. We went into the dressing room and ariana got ready."Ashley and flora get ready I'm going to introduce you to the fans"she said."omg I just saw fifth harmony and Taylor swift outside"Carrie said screaming."Ariana your on in 5"said her manager. We all watched her and she sanged her new song problem and other songs.Then she stopped and said something"okay fans, I'd like you to meet two very special girls I've adopted and they can be shy so please be nice"she said and the fans went wild. "I'd like you to meet my adopted daughter Flora and her adopted cousin Ashley"she continued and the fans went louder.I pushed me on stage and I walked behind Ashley to Ariana."they are fans of me also"she said and handed Ashley the microphone. "Um...hey I'm Ashley and I'm 15"she said.the fans screamed. She gave me the microphone and I just froze. One of the problems I have was stage fright."um...umm....hi...I-I'm Flora and I-im um...13"I said nervously.The fans went wild and we went off stage.I got so nervous and scared that I threw up all over Ariana's dress."oh my god I'm so sorry"I said."it's okay you just got nervous"she said.she led me into the dressing room and we both cleaned up before, we sat down in the audience. I think r5 was next.I am a fan off R5!!!

We went to sit next to the rest of them and watched R5 sing there song.I sat next to Ariana, shes going to win a award and I know it.


Hey I'll put a update for part two and it will be longer (:

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