chapter 17-flora's awake!!!

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Two weeks later

Kayleigh's POV.

I woke up and saw that my sister and Ashley wasn't there.I went down stairs and saw them playing with water guns.haylee rushed to me and hid behind me."duck"said Ash.I was confused she ran and sprayed water all on me."oops sorry"she said and kayleigh laughs.we went upstairs and Ashley let me change into new clothes (one of Ashley's clothes)."hey lets go to the hospital, to check on flora"said haylee. Flora hasn't woken up yet and Ashley had already forgotten about her, until haylee said to go see flora.I looked at Ashley and she was still cheerfully happy.we walked to the hospital and told the lady where we were going.sheet us.we went into the room.

Ashley's POV.

As soon as we went in my heart skipped a beat see flora like that, I ran to her bed and beg her to wake up multiple times."please wake up flora, wake up"I yelled.we calmed her down and went into the cafeteria. "I'm going to the restroom"I said.they nodded. I went into the bathroom and got the needle. I made two cuts on my left and three on my right, I deepen the last cut and deepen it more, seeing more blood come out.I felt dizzy and fell asleep.

20minutes later, I was in a hospital bed."what? Why am I-"I was cut off by kayleigh, "we found you on the floor in the bathroom your left arm was bleeding alot and we saw you with a needle in your other hand, your other arm was bleeding too."she looked at me"why'd you self harm yourself"haylee asked.I signed. "I self harm when I'm nervous, sad or feel alone."I said."your not alone and we know your sad"haylee say.I nodded. I got sleepy and fell asleep. They left me.

Flora's POV.

I can open my eyes, its like something is holding it down or i feel a heavy weight on it.I hear people talking, I think its the doctor. I move my hand and I could feel my self now, but can't ope my eyes.I groan at how weak I am.I suddenly heard two familiar voices inside with the doctor and I hear ariana and Jeanette. I groan again trying to open them as hard as I could but all I see is light and blurry people walk up to me.I smile and ariana gasped. I try hard to open them."doctor I think she's awake"I heard her say.I suddenly open my and saw everyone next to me.Except Ashley. "Where's Ashley"I said worriedly."she in the hospital bed"kayleigh said."what happened"I said worried. "She selfharmed herself, she's fine"haylee said.'she self harmed herself? , why'd she do that, she only self harm herself when she's sad'I thought."okay flora your good to go"the doctor says.the nurse came and check my heart beat and temperature before I could leave.Ariana helped me change into clothes she brought me.I saw bandages around my body.I put my polka dot blue and black shirt on and black skirt and my blue flats.She made my hair into a braid that goes down to the middle of my back.I do have long hair.I noticed my hair is turning a light brown color. She put light pink lipstick on and eye shadow.I looked in the mirror and I looked really pretty. "You ready to go"Ariana said and I nodded. "Where's everyone else go"I said."they went home, we are getting Ashley"she said.I nodded I can't wait to see Ashley. We went into her room and she was getting ready to go."you ready?"ariana said.she looked at us and gave me a hug, I hug her back."yeah"she said.we went into Ariana's car and drove home.'finally home!!!' I thought.

---------------sorry I skipped the rest

I woke up with a headache and haylee and kayleigh jumping on my bed, I looked at the time it's 3:36."finally we woke you up, it took forever, we even tried pouring water on you and ariana even pulled you off the bed, you are a hard sleeper you know."they said I laughed, I miss them and there funniest. I got up and when I got woke my hair down to my feet were wet."you pour that much water on me"I said shocked.they nodded. They sat down on my bed.I went to go take a shower and when I was done I brushed my teeth and cleaned my face, I brushed my long blonde hair down and put make up on.I wrap a towel around me and go across the room and get into my closet.I picked out a red shirt and black jeans and red shoes.I went out the ccloset and we went with Ashley and ariana to a party.Elizabeth (if you don't know it's the girl who played jade from victorious) invited us the party, Taylor swift and fifth harmony and Jeanette, one direction and Katy perry is going.we got in the car and ariana drove, ofc our friends came!


Hey guys I decided to stop here (:

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