chapter 29-laser tag

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Ashley's POV.

Today Ariana has a concert in Florida so me and flora are staying with one direction. She dropped us off and left. We followed niall inside the huge house."hey grandenators"said harry."hey"me and flora said at the same time."so guys you want to watch a movie"said niall.we nodded.we went inside there huge living room and zayn picked a movie for us to watch.we watch the avengers.During the middle of the movie I went to look around and found the game room.I went inside and see lasers.were they fake or real? I thought. So I took one and start playing with them.I went into the living room and Harry back away from me."you know that's real"he said.I shrugged my shoulders and Flora went to go get one.we started hit each other with them, one direction joined with us.Me and flora was a team,zayn and niall, harry and louis and Liam. We started the game and played it for 3 hours, Harry's team ended up winning. I hear the door bell ring and harry opened the door to find Ariana and fifth harmony at the door.I felt someone behind me and accidently hit Dinah"sorry"I said.Ariana told us we were going to a photo shoot tomorrow for our band.Me and flora went home so we could go next door to Avery's house.I ring the door bell and Avery opened it."hey guys"."hi Avery"I said.we went uupstairs to her room.she had black and purple walls, neon pink bed, sky blue pillows and covers on her bed, Ariana Grande and fifth harmony and R5 pictures and posters, A huge 65inch tv, and a walk in closet and bathroom. Her room was as huge as her living room."I like your room"me and flora say."thanks"."were taking photoshoots tomorrow want should we wear"I said."oh I know, bows and dresses and-"I cut her off."what if I don't want to wear bows and dresses and girly stuff"I said."then you pick"she said."I don't really know how about lets just go as our own style"I said."okay, you want to watch a movie"said Avery."okay"we both said."I heard you guys played laser tag"she said."yeah but harry ended up winning"flora said.We sat in the living room and watched some movies.Avery's mom came in."hi girls"she said."hi"we said.we decided to plan a sleepover tomorrow night after the photo shoot.After the movie me and flora walked home.we went to Ariana."hi"she said."hi"."you want to make smoothies with me?"she said and we nodded.we start chopping up fruits and put it in the blinder and she turned it on and when she was down she put us the drinks.

Flora's .P.O.V.

We were done so we watched tv and went to bed.I fell asleep.


I was with my real mom, we were in the house singing to one of my favorite songs, mom said she will make us snacks and when she left.I heard a scream.I ran into the kitchen to find a knife in my mom legs and the guy I couldn't see who he was.I scream and ran to mom she wasn't breathing, I was crying and screaming at the same time.there was a pool of blood coming from her leg, I panicked and couldn't breathe."your mom is dead and you coming with me or your next"he said and fell and turned to him.I knew him but I couldn't figure what he looked like.but then I remember and screamed.


I woke up screaming and panicking and I couldn't breathe, I firgured out I wasn't breathing, so I ran to Ashley's room and she saw me and calmed me down."you had a nightmare? "She said softly in my hear."y-yeah"I said.I slept with her.I fell asleep after her .


I might update another chapter and my next chapter might be my last and there is a sequel for this book.plz comment, vote and follow!!!!! I'll update soon (: have any ideas comment!

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