chapter 24-beach party

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I woke up hearing my sister calling my name"Flora I'm so mad at you"she said in a angry voice.'uh oh'I said.I heard her footsteps coming closer and closer. I quickly got up and ran into the bathroom.I locked the door."open this door"she said."no"I said."please"she say a little softer."you wanna know how much money you used"she said.I didn't answer. "You used fifteen thousand"she said."ok so what you have more money"I said.I signed."Flora open the door please"she said calmly. I gladly opened it and saw my sister sitting on my bed.I sat with her."I miss Ariana and Ashley"I said."you have four more weeks left"she said.I laid on my bed."follow me"she said.I followed her and went downstairs. We walked into a room I've neverbeen into before, it had a piano, 2violins, 2guitars and drums.The walls were glass and I could see the backyard the pool and the houses and best part I could see the beach."I like this room"I said and went to the piano and played some random keys on it."hey what's your favorite 5 singers"she said.I smiled at her."Ariana Grande, Bea miller, megan Nicole, fifth harmony, one direction, and ME"I said.she laughed. I went over to the guitar and start playing a song."oh and I love R5"I said and she smiled.I start to sing a few songs and then we went to a restaurant for was fun, we went to the beach and walked by the water and talk.Brandon came walking to us."guys"he said to us trying to catch he breathe. "Ariana wants you to come home next week, because she's having a show with R5, little and fifth harmony and katy Perry"he said.I smiled. "Cool"."and also the producer wants you to sing a song on stage"my smile fade."ok, cool"I said trying to put on a fake smile. We went to a party with lucy hale.the party was at the beach and I was happy. The show next week was still on my mind and we had to the meet and greets too, I went to the party to forget about it.

There was loud music blasting and people dancing, I got a smoothie and sat down, lucy saw me and pulled me up"let go in backyard"she said.I walked with her and we went into the huge backyard that had a beach, people were dancing outside in there bathing suits and swimming. Lucy dragged me out there and started dancing with me.I smiled and my sister was with us.we had fun.I got tired and sat down.Brandon sat with me."hey cheerio, you tired"he said.I nodded and I started braiding my hair to the middle of my was 10:30 and the people started leaving. Me and Nora walked home and Brandon came with us.when we got there I was so I tired I took a shower and went to bed.tomorrow is sunday and we will be going to the producer so I could record my songs.


Hey I know it's short but I had no ideas for this chpt so next update will be short also, but I promise you chapter 26 will be longer (:

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