chapter 19-paparazzi's

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(Hey guys I'm writing this at the orthodontics I'm getting my braces changed to blue (: )

Flora's POV.

I woke up and put my favorite blue sundess and white sandal, I curled my hair.I then ran to ariana room."Ariana wake up"I said.she just turned around and threw a pillow at me."mom"I said and I start tickling her.she laughed. "I'm up, s-stop now"she said and I stop."can you take me to school, Ashley left me cause I over slept and I'm going to be late for the last day of school, please"I said.she smiled. "Sure cute"she said and I jumped up and down."why so happy to go on the last day of school"."cause we have a field trip to the water park"I said."well we will have to hurry up then"she said.she got up and went into the bathroom and started brushing her teeth.I saw her phone and see she has a message. I looked at it.'Ariana, have the Adoption agency came yet'from Jeanette. I gasped and Ariana poked her head out the bathroom. "What's wrong"she said brushing her teeth."nothing you just had a message"I said."ok"I went to my room and put my bathing suit into my zebra printed book bag and took out all the books I don't need.I grabbed my beach towel and went out of room.I wait for Ariana downstairs. She came down wearing short shorts and a black crop top that says love in white on it, her hair was down."ready"she said.I nodded. We walked to the car and drove to school. When I got there, I said bye to Ariana and went to class.I came just in time .They were about to go on the bus to the water park.I followed them on to tbe bus.I sat by Avery."I saved lunch for you"she said.she gave me my bag of lunch and showed what's in side."ham and cheese sandwich, an apple, sour patch kids gummy worms, and a really cold water bottle, it's still frozen."."thanks Avery"."I got me the same thing"she said.I saw kayleigh and haylee sit in there seats behind us."hey guys"they waved.When everyone was in the bus driver started to drive.Ashley and her friends were on a different bus.I sat by the window and looked out I saw Ashley's bus.They were at the window waving at us and make silly faces, we did the same too and laughed.when we were driving I wondered about the message on Ariana's phone.'what adoption agency? Will she turn me back in? Dose she love me?when are they coming'I thought."flora, flora earth to flora"Avery was waving her hand in my face."umm what"I said."I said were here"she said.I look around and everyone is getting off the bus."oh"I said.we stand up and walked was like the whole school was here, everyone was everywhere, 8graders throwing water balloons, 6graders going down the huge water slide that looks like the slide at Disneyworld and others where at the sprinklers, getting wet or sprayed."lets get wet"Avery yelled and dragged me to get changed in the bathroom, I saw Ashley getting changed, she was in her bikini, the light blue.I changed into mine and I was wearing bikini top and black shorts.I took my shoes off and tied my hair up in a ponytail. Ashley did a big braid down the middle of her back.Avery was wearing her hello kitty bikini, it was white and the bow on the side of her shoulder the connects the bikini top.carrie was in shorts and a bathing suit top.kayleigh was in a bikini and so was haylee.there were wearing different kind of bikinis though, they hate wearing the same clothes. "Ahhhh"Avery said which made us all jump."your crazy Avery"I laughed. We went out and ran to the water slide first.The slide goes down to the pool."cannon ball"Avery said and slide down jumping into the pool.we all laughed. I went down and landed into the pool and the rest all did the same.I decided to walk to the water balloon fight but that was a mistake, 8th graders all threw them at me.My friends went up with a lot of balloons in there hand, Avery gave some to me."8 graders why don't you go pick on some one your own size and never mess with 7 graders again ir else"Avery said, but order kids laughed. "Oh well I guess you don't care"she threw her water balloons at them and the order kids threw back.It was a fight against the 8graders and 7graders, the 6 and 5graders were all starring at us like we were monsters, there probably thinking what were fighting for anyway.the teachers came and made us stop and we broke apart to continue have fun.I played with my was now lunch time and everyone sat down on blankets and ate there lunch.Avery want us to sit in the middle of all the kids around us, she said she's the queen of the water park.I took a bite of my sandwich and all of a sudden paparazzi's came out of nowhere.everyone looked at me and Ashley as paparazzi's surrounded us."mom said if they bother us then ignore them"Ashley said and I nodded. But I couldn't ignore them, they were flashing lights and cameras in our face."flora is this a field trip"."are you Ashley sisters"."can we have your picture"."are you dating anyone"I back away and walked to my teacher and whisper something in her ear."miss Wilson I'm going to have a panic attack"I said and she quickly got up."Ashley come here"she said.Ashley came and I looked around and everyone, I mean everyone here was starring at us.she told her I was have a panic attack and Ashley took me to the bathroom, the paparazzi's of course followed us.luckily our body guards were with us.they blocked the door so no one could come in."it's okay"she calm me down.I held on to her as she rubbed my back in circles.I could finally breathe now and I didn't hear paparazzi's anymore.we stood up and walked outside our body guards were there and we told them to watch and not let any paparazzi see us.we walked to where we were.everyone was starring at us.some people where whispering things like.ariana doesn't love them or why did she have a panic attack, is something wrong with her?, they shouldn't live with Ariana Grande, they should be in a orphanage.I was mad and sad, I felt tears in my eyes and Ashley hugged me tight.kayleigh saw the sadness and she must of heard the whispers. Kayleigh hugged me and held my hand.'did she hold my hand because we're friends? Or...never mind'lunch was over and we went to dance around the sprinklers like we were little kids again. I remember when me and kayleigh and haylee were 6 and my dad would take us all the way to california just to go to Disneyland, he woyld take us out to get frozen yogurt and we would have sleepovers and we would dress my dad in princess costumes for Halloween, I had fun when I was little. It was time to go and we changed to our regular clothes and went on the bus when we drove back, I see a limo out side of the bus at the school, everyone was looking at us because they knew it was ariana my mom, I hate it when people stare at me and then the next day pick on me or became my friend, there not real and Ashley got off the bus and went into the limousine."hey did you have fun"ariana said."not until the paparazzi's came and ruined it"Ashley said."luckily I sent two body guards"she said.we went home and I went to bed."hey Flora can I talk to you for a minute"Ariana said happily. I nodded sleeply."your going to be the host of Awesomeness tv"she said and I smiled. "Really can Ashley be there with me"and she nodded. I squealed and laid in bed to read a book.soon I turn the light off and fell asleep.


(: hey you like the chaper please comment how you like it :)

I was at the orthodontics and I got to change my braces a different color I pick blue and later on the bracket needle thingy on my braces was poking my mouth so I had to go back.please vote and I need 5 reads to update!!!! My grandparents or taking me to the water park, I don't know which one (: ily Guys for rreading!!! I might end this book at chapter 25.

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