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Lately I have been feeling nauseous so Lucas and I are on our way to the doctor's office. "I told you." Lucas said. "What you tell me?" I asked. "You know." He responded. I truly hated when he did that. If you have something to say can you please say it. "Lucas, what did you say?" I asked with an attitude. "I told you that you was gone have my baby one day." He said with a smile. "Boy, aint nobody pregnant." I said rolling my eyes. "Yeah, we gone see." He said parking the car. He jumped out I the car and ran to open my door for me. "Be careful, you don't wanna hurt the baby." He said. This nigga really think I'm pregnant. We walked hand in hand into the building. I went to the check in station and she handed me paperwork. After 5 minutes of paperwork I sent Lucas to give her back the clipboard. "I hope it's a girl." He said sitting down. I shook my head before leaning on his shoulder. I felt my eyes start to close and I slowly dozed off.

"Alexis Jackson" I heard a woman call. Lucas shook me awake and helped me stand up. I grabbed his hand as we followed the lady to a small room. "Sit down on the table and the doctor will be right with you." She said with a smile before stepping out and closing the door. "I'm ready to see my baby." Lucas said. " Boy, how many times do I gotta tell you that I'm not pregnant. Did you forget that I am on birth control." I said. "Girl, I ain't never seen you take no pill." He said giving me the "why you lyin" face. "For your information, I don't take the pill." I said. His eyes got wide. "So, you got one of dem things inside you." He asked, stunned. "Yes, I got one of them things inside me."

"When you get it?"

"After I had Darion."

"You dont want no more kids?

"Not until I get married."

"Well, what if you are pregnant?"

"Then I'm just gone have another baby."

"So, you really want it?"

"What's up with you and all these damn questions and if it comes then I'm gonna keep it and I'm gonna love it."

The door came opened and the doctor came in. "Hello, ms.Jackson. I am doctor Kayla Smith. I need you to run to the bathroom and pee in this bottle please." She said giving me a pill bottle. I walked to a nearby bathroom.

After finishing I walked back into the room and have her the bottle. "I'll be right back with the results." She said before walking out. As soon as the so or closed I became nervous. What if I am pregnant?

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