Part 6

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D:Damion.       A:Alexis

D: Where the hell are you?
A: I'm working with my clients. What's wrong?
D: Where is Darion?
A: He's here with me.
D:Hurry up and bring yo ass home.
A:Okay I'll be there soon.
         I hung up the phone. When I looked up everyone was standing above me looking down at me. I grabbed Darion out of Vier's arms and grabbed my bag. "I have to go, Damion is waiting for me." I said. I attempted to walk out the door but I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around to see Lucas staring at me with a cold look. "You not going home tonight." I looked at him and said "I don't even know you,sir. I have a child and a boyfriend that I have to take care of. I don't have time to be jumping up and leaving home just because there are some small problems." I was going off but I was honestly glad that he was trying to help me. He took my baby out of my hands and started walking outside to which I thought was his car. They all walked out of the house to their cars. "I have to lock up the building." I said. Troy threw the keys at me and I caught them. "I took the keys out yo back pocket and locked up already" he said to me. I was about to walk to my car until Lucas stopped me again. "I told you that you are not going home. And I meant that. You are going to get in the car with Vier and your coming to our place and that's all I have to say about that." I was kinda turned on by how he took control. I went and grabbed Darion's car seat and bag out of the backseat of my car with the help of Vier. I put Darion in his car seat and hopped in the passenger seat. Vier looked at me with a smirk. " I saw you face when Lucas was talking to you, you think you slick. You ain't slick." he said laughing. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever boy, you just start this car and take me to yall house I'm already scared Damion gone find me and kill me and yall." He looked at me like I was stupid while he was starting the car. "You don't worry about him, we got that." He pulled out of the driveway and started driving down the road.

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