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DAMION. The wallet belongs to Damion. He kidnapped my child. I gave the wallet to Lucas and ran downstairs where I had left my phone. I ran back upstairs to the guys to see them all standing there like they were ready to kill him. I went into my contacts and looked for Damion's name. I dialed his number and heard it ring.
D-Damion A-Alexis

A:Where is my damn child?
D: Ask all them niggas that live witchu?
A:Listen to me Damion I know that you have my child I found your wallet in my house. If you dont bring my child back to me right now I swear I will kill you.
D: You dont care about him.
A: Damion I was the only one taking care of him while u were to busy drinking and beating my ass.
A: I understand that your upset with me because I left but please dont bring my child into this. I am begging you Damion please Im begging you.
D: ............... Yeah whatever.

He hung up. I sat down on the floor and started crying. I felt someone's hand touch my back. "I have some female friends that I can talk to that can help us out" I heard Will say. I nodded my head and stood up. I walked to the bathroom (in mm)and stared at myself in the mirror. Here I am again. Looking in the mirror hating the way my life is going. My bruises were physical but now they're mental. I just need to end it. My life is over now.
I looked to my right at the random razor that i kept for no reason. I grabbed the razor and put it near my wrist. I went from the left to the right. It hurt at first but I took the pain. I later felt relieved and free. I felt myself fall on a soft substance. The guys busted in the bathroom and looked at me on the floor. They all ran to my body and started shaking me as Donté called the cops. I turned toward the window and looked at the sun through the blinds. The sun looked like it was reaching for me. I felt my eyes get heavy and then there was a sudden darkness.

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