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* 10 months later

"Alexis Jackson, will you marry me?" He said.

I looked down with tears streaming down my face. "Yes, I will."

*3 months after

I sat down at the vanity and looked in the mirror with a smile. Today is my day and I will not let anybody ruin this for me. Fuck what everyone else has to say I'm happy as hell. I heard a knock on the door on the door. "Come in" I said. The door opened and my mother walked in followed by my father who I hadn't saw in over 12 years. I watched him walk up to me and give me a smile which I tried to return but couldnt.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I couldn't miss my babygirl's wedding day." He replied.

"I'm gonna let y'all talk but baby I'm so so proud of you and I love you. Don't let anyone ruin your special day." My mother said before walking out.

"Well, how are you?" My father asked.

"I'm great." I answered.

"Alexis, I'm so sorry. I know that I've failed you as a father. I should've been there for you but when your mother and I started having problems in our relationship I ran and I didn't turn back not even for you and that was wrong and I just want you to accept my apology and allow me to be there for you and my grandchildren. I know that sometimes it takes time and you can take all the time that you need but please give me a chance." He said before turning around to walk out.

"Dad, I still don't have anyone to walk me down the isle." I said to him causing him to turn around with a smile. I guess it won't hurt to give anyone a chance.


"It's show time!!" Naya yelled. I smiled and walked toward the top of the staircase behind my bridesmaids. I watched the scenery and smiled in awe. Everything was beautiful. I watched everyone walk down and stand as planned. It was finally my time. My father put his arm in mine and smiled. "Are you ready?" He asked me. "As ready as I'll ever be." I responded. I heard the music start and I began to become a bit nervous. I watched below as everyone stood up and looked in my direction. My father gave me a nod and we began to walk in sync. Step by step my stomach began to turn back flips and began to have butterflies but I was so happy all at the same time. I looked at Lucas who looked extremely nervous and have him a gentle smile. As I approached him my dad seemed to loosen his grip before letting go to greet Lucas. I stood in front of him and felt my eyes began to water. This is real. This is what I've waited for.

"You may kiss your bride." The pastor said to Lucas. Lucas put his hands around my waist and gently kissed my lips. He put his hand behind my head trying to deepen the kiss but I stopped him. "Not yet." I said. Lucas grabbed my hand and walked me back down the isle.

I've never been happier. God sent me through hell with Damon just to show me what a real man is, what real love is and I see that every time I look at Lucas and I'm so grateful for that.

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