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I arrived back at the beach house and I saw the guys standing outside. I hopped the car and got Darion out of his car seat. As I walked up to the guys I saw Troy crack a huge smile which Darion and I both returned back. Will took Darion out of my arms and started playing with him while Troy, Lucas and I started talking about how they wanted their party to go and how they wanted everything set up. As we were talking I felt a presence come behind me. I turned around to see a tall light skin boy that was very attractive (in mm). I knew that I didn't have any more clients so he must've been with the guys. He put his hand on my chin and tilted my head up toward him. I watched him closely as he examined my eye and I waited for him to say something. He took his hand away from my face and shook his head. "Yo, this ain't cool bro." he said to the boys while pointing at my face. They all nodded their heads and looked down. At the point I couldn't lie I was really hurt and embarrassed but I had to deal with it.
Will finally ran back into the room acting as if Darion was an airplane. He gave Darion back to me and sat down. "Oh, this must be your son?" Vier asked letting Darion wrap his small hand around his finger. I nodded my head at him and smiled. "So you mind if I hold him?" I shook my head and handed my baby to him. I watched him tickle Darion and laugh with him. That's how I wished it was with Damion. I wished we could laugh and play with each other like we used to.
I was in deep thought until I heard a loud voice catch my attention. "Alexis, hellooo. Earth to Alexis." vier said basically screaming at me. I looked up at him and giggled. " So, the guy that beats you, is he the father?" he asked me with a serious look on his face. I nodded at him and saw his facial expression change from serious to concerned. I heard a phone ring and everyone looked to see was it theirs but it ended up being mine. I looked at my phone to see 😘😍BABY💖💋 and hurriedly picked it up and answered.

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