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I woke up in my bed (in mm). I turned to my left and looked at the clock it was 6:46. I got up out of bed and went downstairs to look for Darion. When i got downstairs I saw all the guys sitting on the couch but i didnt see Darion.

"Hey, Where is Darion? He wasn't upstairs.

"I took him upstairs to your bedroom after Lucas took you up there." Vier said to me looking confused. Oh my goodness, Where is my child?
I went back upstairs to my room with all the guys following behind me including Donté. Everyone went to look in their rooms. I searched my room up and down looking for him but I couldn't find him anywhere. I sat down on my bed and I began to feel my heart beating quickly. I started to cry. I felt a cold breeze and looked up to see my window opened.  "Did I open this window? No, it was closed when I went downstairs earlier. I'll ask Vier." I thought to myself. All the guys came in my room and told me they couldn't find him except for Troy because he went to look for him outside. After a couple minutes he came back in and said he couldnt find him. I looked down at my hands and looked at Vier. "Did you open my window when u brought him up here?" he shook his head "Nah, Lucas did you open it?" he asked Lucas. "Nah, it was closed when i came in here." he answered. I closed my eyes trying to hold back tears. I opened my eyes and looked at the window still wondering how it came open. I saw something black hanging out of the window. I got up and looked at the window to get a closer look. When i got close to it I realized it was a wallet. I grabbed it and opened while Lucas and Will were walking up to me and I couldnt believe who it belonged to.......

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