Part 5

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*Roman pov*

Anxiety can be such a villain. I catch him and he steals my food. Even though he has his own. Though I guess this time I more or less deserve it for dropping him. Though that has never happened before. I've never dropped someone I just caught. I can't even explain how I dropped him. He just... fell out of my hands. Is it my fault. Of course not. I would never purposely hurt someone without reason. Unfortunately hurting Anxiety would hurt Thomas. Which is something I will not allow to happen. I should forget it and go finish Mulan. Anxiety will be fine. Or as fine as that depressing peasant can get. Enough of him. Disney time. I love saying that.

*Anxiety pov*

I made a wrong choice. I really hate cheese-its. But I can't give it back. I'll just have to deal. So I can spite him. Is it worth it? Yes, yes it is. I turned on my TV and powered up my playstation. It's quiet and boring so I'm just gonna shoot some pixelated peoples heads off. It's too much work to rile the others up. I just am not in the mood. I also know my boundaries something that some of the personalities still have to learn. Why is there a Winnie the Pooh game in my Playstation? I hate Winnie the Pooh. Wait a second. "PATTON!!!!"

*Morality pov*

I was waiting for Logan when Anxiety called me. As much as I wanted to talk to Logan Anxiety telling me to come to him is a rare thing. Better take advantage of it. I teleported into his room. "Yeah kiddo. What can I do for you?" He glared at me. Dam he really does look like a kitten even when he's not Tallon. "The game. You used my Playstation." I smiled looking at was on the screen. I love this game. "Wanna play together?" I summoned a second remote. He growled. "Step up from hissing. I knew you had it in you." He glared harder. More cute than intimidating. "I want you to put my game back in and leave." I chuckled. Wonder which one he means. I did something else with his games didn't I? Oh yeah. "Sorry kiddo but I got rid of your gore and violence games. Not entirely good for you. Decided to get you stuff that is educational and fun." He slowly stood up. Okay now he's a little bit intimidating. "YOU DID WHAT!!!"

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