Part 11

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*Logan pov*

Back to feeling numb. Finally calm and safe numbness. Gosh emotions are so exhausting, and they really cloud my judgement. Not helpful when you're supposed to be the only one with good judgement. I have work to do. This day has set me a little behind schedule. Where is my notepad? I placed it on my side table. Aw Patten should know. "PATTEN WHERE IS MY NOTEPAD?!" He ran in my room only a few moments later holding it. "Here you go Logan. Now don't get to doing anything cause you're still hurt." I debated the pros and cons of fighting with him. His parental instincts are on full so unlikely of me winning. Though if I fought him and I win productivity. "Also are doors disappearing normal? Cause I don't see Anxiety's." I jumped up and ran past him to where Anxiety's door should be. Patten ran after me tell me to get back into bed. I ignored him. Sure enough Anxiety's door that was usually across Ronan's was gone. "LOGAN!! Did you not hear me?" I let him teleport us back into my room. "I said to lay down until you get better." Here comes the worry. I was immediately in a hug. I felt immediately better. Why are emotions so confusing? "It's not normal Patten. When a door is broken the entrance is still there. Two options, Anxiety is dead and faded, or it is something that has never happened before. Because if he was dead and faded we would all feel it. The mind would have to adapt to the change." Patten started rubbing my back and rocking me side to side. I clung to him for two reasons. One I'm scared, two... I don't want to let go. I think that one scares me even more. But right now, I'm too emotional to care.

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