part 9

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*Patten pov*

Not Logan. We may not acknowledge it but we need him. He has a cool head that keeps us organized and productive. We would be a serious mess without him. I don't even understand what actually happened. What the dreaded event was. I just know a personality and another mixed and it didn't end well. Mixed as in developed emotions or other things that was not related to who they are and their job. It didn't end well as on one of the personalities died. Or was destroyed. I don't know. Princy won't talk about it, Anxiety is too young to know, Thomas forgot, and Logan just says I don't need to know. I think for once I'm gonna drop it. I don't want Logan getting hurt. I care about him too much. Who cares what happened? I need to worry about what's happening now. I need to save Logan. We need him. I need him. I finished bandaging him.  Just as we all got summoned.

*Thomas pov*

My head is killing me. What is going on up their? First overwhelming sense of rage that made me break my camera. Expensive by the way, very expensive. than pain and guilt. And none of them have show up. I'm worried not on top of everything else. Okay enough of this. "Patten! Logan! Roman! Anxiety!" I said summoning them. Only two of them appeared. "What is going on inside my head?! Why aren't Logan and Anxiety coming?!" Logan suddenly appeared in a sweater. We all turned to stare. They only changed their appearance in extreme cases. "Should I ask?" Logan looked oblivious to what I was talking about. "Ask what." I gave him the look Patten usually received when he was being dumb. "You're wearing a... sweater. I can't even see your necktie." His sweater quickly changed. Necktie is still there. Good to know. "We'll talk about that latter. What is going on in my head? I got angry and broke my camera for no reason. And now I feel terrible, plus this headache." They glanced at each other. Being unnaturally quiet. "I hurt my arm. Should explain the headache." One down two more to go. I turned to Roman. "Not my fault now I have to go. I'm busy." He sank out. That was really weird. "He wasn't smiling. He's always smiling. Patten." I started at him. "Yeah kiddo." I started harder. This should work. "Three cookies if you tell me what happened. None for a week if you don't." He glanced at logan and then back at me a few times. "I made anxiety mad by getting rid of all of his gory games and replaced them with better stuff so he went into rage mode he chased me into the kitchen I hid as he threw Logan had a cool sword fight with Roman than ran off with Roman while I helped Logan. Where are the cookies?" He explained all in one huge breath. I deciphered what he just said for a moment. "You need help." Logan mumbled. Patten didn't hear as he had made it to the kitchen already. "Are you alright Logan?" He looked normal minus the sweater. I guess the sweater is because he got hurt. A sort of protection barrier. He may look fine, but he has the ability to be smarter than me. Strange how he is just a part of me. "The wound will heal. Not permanent or fatal damage. Though your headache should heal much quicker." Patten came back with cookies and milk. Wait... I actually had cookies. "Don't worry I'll be watching softy over there. You just lay down and relax while we sort things out okay Kiddo." I sighed and waved them off laying down. I turned on the TV to watch Steven Universe. Actually there was that leftover pizza in the fridge.

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