part 21

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*Logan pov*

We'll try one last room before we give up and attempt a different tactic. I'm feeling oddly tired. The circus. It's a memory room. A room made that was based off of an intense memory. Roman was searching this one. He claims that he created it and should be the one to search it. I don't even know what to say to that. I was taking the Library. I get that he thinks  that all people that where glasses are nerds, but not all nerds go to libraries. I personally have not seen Patten in there for years. But hey, I could go in and quickly look for another book to research my condition. I opened the door and was immediately greeted by the smell and the warmth of books. I sighed immediately relaxing. Books are the greatest source of knowledge. Google is good and all but nothing is better than curling up with a good book and just reading. I quickly entered my little nook. Immediately noticing several rather large piles of books.  I didn't put those there. I heard very faint singing. (Start song) It's Patten. I slowly followed the sound of his voice. I know this song. Role of a lifetime from Bare. Interesting choice. As I got closer I felt a similar sensation as when he complimented me. I also felt a little sweaty. I finally reached where he was. His headphones were in. He didn't see me yet. I suddenly stopped and hid behind a bookcase. A weird feeling had developed. What is wrong with me? I stood there watching him as he sang. Why am I doing this? Just watching as he sways to the beat singing beautifully and with such intensity. He did this while also scanning the shelf picking up several books. Why am I just watching him and not just conversing with him like I intended? That's why I was looking for him. The song ended and I snapped back into reality. My weird feeling intensified and I was sweating more as I approached him. This is stupid. I breathed deeply and tapped him on his shoulder. He jumped screaming turning around and flinging a few books in the air. I instinctively covered my head and closed my eyes. But nothing hit me. I opened my eyes and Patten had two books in each hand and other books scattered on the ground. The books in his hands were inches from my body. "Aahhh sorry bout that." He pulled away and I pulled my arms down straightening my tie and glasses. Clearing my throat. It's actually quite impressive to have caught the books midair. "No harm done. So no apology required." I immediately set to helping him pick up the books. Why do I feel so tense? What is happening to me?!

*Patten pov*

That was... I feel so terrible. He nearly got hurt again. Because of me. Great adrenaline rush by the way. Though his blush was not going unnoticed. Nor him avoiding eye contact. I'm definitely over analyzing this. I picked up the last book and noticed he was struggling with his. I quickly grabbed them and set them on the top of my pile. "Thank you." I said. He just started at me. Is he flusttered? Why is he flustered? "You're um You're welcome. Um actually me and um Roman need your help with uh figuring out how to um help Anxiety." Okay this is very weird. Logan never stutters or struggles to find his world. Tongue tied. What is going on? "Logan are you okay?" He was avoiding my eyes a lot. He's sweating a bit. Is he sick. "Um yeah just a little... hot. Why is it so hot in here?" I could be punny but not the right time. "Logan you're wearing a sweater." He looked down and quickly pulled it off God Dam I need warning and several hours preparation before he does that. He winced as it fell from his right arm. I immediately set the books on the ground and helped him get it off. Fun thing about black sweaters is that you can't see blood or water till it dripped off. The bandage had soaked threw cause it looked like he strained himself to the point were it reopened. "Did you change it this morning?" He shook his head. Okay he is back on bed rest. I picked him up bridal style and teleported us into his room. I set him sitting up leaning on me. I summoned a thermometer and stuck it in his mouth before setting to work on replacing the bandage. I hate this. Dear God I hate seeing him hurt. I hate this blood. It is supposed to be in his body and not seeping out. "I'll be fine Patten. This is just a lot of blood to lose in a less that 24 hour time period." He pulled the thermometer out of his mouth as it beeped. His temperature is fine for now. I peeled off the bandage and summoned a wet cloth. "Yes but why did it reopen Logan? Because you don't take care of yourself. You work and work and work and never take on second to relax or to worry about your health." I hate and love this position. I hate that for us to get so close he has to be hurt. I love it cause we're so close. "You're right." What? Okay who is this at where is the real Logan that I love. "But that just comes with the job. You're lucky all you have to do is know right from wrong and have endless fun in life. I have to be smart and be endlessly productive. I don't know how to relax and take a break." I held him closer in my lap as a form of comfort. But kept bandaging him. See, it's not fair. Maybe it is and I can't see it. Because Logan says that as personalities we cannot extend past what we are. We break cause we can't handle it. But it's unfair. Logan shifted trying to get up and I held him down till he gave up. "Logan you are on bed rest until further notice." He sighed giving in. "Roman. He's looking in the circus for you. Can you go tell him where we are?"  I tightened the bandage finishing up. I carefully got up laying him on his bed. "I'll be right back." And I teleported.

*Roman pov*

"It's been awhile hasn't it." I turned to the tall women with glowing white eyes. "Hello Seer. It has indeed been awhile." She smiled sadly. "You are looking for someone." She hates being asked to use her power. It makes her feel as if nobody wants her just her power. "Yes he might be here. He's personality." She realized I wasn't asking for help. I never asked for her help. Not that her power is useless, I just never required her power. "You envy something he has." I sighed. When you say it like that... She's not wrong. But not right. "Don't worry I know. I'm the seer. I see all, know all. Now Patten is almost past the entrance. When he gets here go with him. When something happens go to Anxiety. He will need you." And with that she vanished. Seer only warns me in extreme cases. Something bad is going to happen. And when the time comes I need to protect Anxiety. Whatever happens to Patten and Logan will all result to good things. But Anxiety... I have to protect him.

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