part 8

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*Logan pov*

Patten is having a freak out session over the knife in my arm. It really is not that bad. His imagination is just causing it to appear that way. I summoned a first aid kit. Let's make this quick. "Patten. The pizza."  He turned and I pulled the knife out immediately trying to bandage and clean it before he finished. Unfortunately he was distracted only a fraction of the time Pizza normally distracted him for. "Oh that is a, lot, of blood. Here let me help you." He looks like he's about to puke. I sighed. Please no parental instincts. "Patten I can do this myself." He grabbed the bandage. "Logan you know I have parental, instincts. And right now they are really kicking in." I ignored him applying the disinfectant. I cringed. That hurt more than I expected. "Okay you are letting me help you whether you like it or not." he pushed my hand aside. I let him. The wound was already clean. He can't do much worse. I can just fix it later. He grabbed a wet towel and cleaned up all the surrounding blood and silently bandaging me. He was gentle but also firm. I'm surprised, he actually knows what to do. "I have a question." Of course he does. "I may have looked thru your clipboard. Yes I realize I might have a small problem with boundaries. But why do you have a weird list for all of us?" Of course he did. I should have brought it with me. I should know better by now. Now I have to tell him. I have to be honest. "You can't tell the others." He looked confused. I guess it is a confusing situation. "Okay?" I summoned my clipboard. I flipped to Roman's page. "It's an experiment. I'm not supposed to feel things. Like emotions, only physical stuff, like pain. Its supposed to be impossible. A couple years ago I felt something." I looked at one of the dates on the clipboard. It was show day for one of the shows Thomas did. I felt the nervousness. I felt the desire to back out. I shouldn't have, but I did. "I don't know if they our my emotions or someone else's leaking into my judgement. Though these those anomalies keep happening. So I started recording and researching. It seems to be under control, so I prefer not to alert the others. Don't want a repeat of last time. Plus it is unlikely they could even help." I felt Patten stop. In actuality that event triggered my ability to feel. Or at least that's what I concluded is what it is. At least so far that is the simplest and most logical conclusion. "You'll be fine kiddo. Nothing's gonna happen. Right?" I shook my head. Clearing the emotion. "I cannot guarantee nothing will happen. Something is always happening. But events seem to have been working in our favor recently. So possibly. Though you never know when the scales will tip."

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