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Rachel's POV
They gave me some ointment or something, I wasn't really listening, to put onto the bruising area for three weeks. Becky said it's just to keep it from acting up. We're just in the car back to the hotel now. Becky, Jill and Dawn are talking about lord only knows what. I'm thinking about the foster family I'll have. I know Aunt M and uncle T won't be able to get custody of me because of their travels. Uncle Jas definitely won't seeing as he's not even in the country 99% of the time. I was brought out of my thoughts by Becky putting her hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at her and she smiled slightly.

"We're here."

I nodded and unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. Becky wrapped her arm around my shoulder and we walked into the hotel. Jill and Dawn were ahead of us and we sped up to catch up with them. We got into the elevator and Jill pressed the fifth floor. It didn't take long until the doors opened. The halls were deserted and pretty quiet.

"They're in Carli and Alex's room."

We walked down the hall a bit until 517 and Jill knocked on the door. You could hear all the talking behind the door stop and then the door opened. Carli opened the door and smiled at us.

"Hey, how'd it go?"
"Grand. She's an ointment to put on it and she should be fresh again in the next week or so."

Carli looked towards me and smiled. I stepped to her and hugged her. I walked into the room and everyone looked at me and smiled. I waved to them and walked over to Christen and sat next to her. I put my head against her shoulder and she put her hand around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head.

"You good?"
"Yeah. You?"

Alyssa sat down next to us and I turned to face her. She looked towards Christen and had sort of a silent conversation through their eyes. I looked towards Christen and she looked at me and smiled slightly.

"She wants to know if she can talk to you. Only if you want to."
"Sure. In here?"

I turned to look at Alyssa and she shook her head no. She stood up and I followed her. We walked in silence until she stopped outside, what I'm guessing is her bedroom and opened it with the key. She held the door open and I walked.

"Take a seat."

I sat on one of the bed and scooted back until I had my back against the wall. Alyssa sat on the bed opposite to me and smiled.

"So you're probably wondering why I brought you here."
"Just a little."
"I see myself in you. To be honest you're exactly like me. Which is why I know something is gnawing at you."
"Wow you're good."
"Thank you. I try."

She flicked her hair and we both laughed. She got up and sat on the bed next to me. She turned her head to look at me.

"On a serious note. What is bugging you? You can tell me. I won't tell anyone."
"Your secret is safe with me."

I looked away from her and down at my hands. I played with my fingers and sighed.

"You're scared aren't you?"
"Aren't you? I mean, this world is a cruel, cruel place. I'm only 16 and I've already encountered so much evil. I can't imagine what my foster family is gonna be like."
"Your foster family?"
"My parents got arrested. Uncle Jason is going back to Afghanistan and uncle Theo and aunt Marjorie well, they've got a business to run so they're too busy. There's no one left."
"Christen. Alex. Carli. Me."

I looked at her in disbelief. She smiled and put her hand on my leg.

"We've all grown attached to you over the past three days. Christen and Alex more than anyone. If your family won't take you, you've got us. I know for a fact one of us will take you. I know I will."

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