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Rachel's POV
Well, Carson, I must say. It's been a pleasure but you just aren't my home anymore. You haven't been for a while now. I lost everyone I loved but I gained a lot more. I got my mom back. My real mom. And not to mention all my 'aunts' on the team. But I gotta say, 'aunt' Alex and 'aunt' Carli are my favourite but don't tell the Meg(h)an's, they'll kill me. I have three hours to kill before we leave for the airport and I know exactly what I need to do. I walked over to mom's table and they all looked at me and smiled.

"What's up Rach?"
"I've got some things I need to do before we leave. Am I allowed to go?"
"What kind of things?"
"Personal. I've got to say goodbye to some people. I promise I'll be back before we need to leave."
"Keep your phone on you at all times."
"Of course. Thank you. I love you mom."

I ran out of the dining area and out of the hotel. I jogged all the way to the diner and stopped right outside. It was busy but I could see uncle T and aunt M talking in the back. I ran to the door and walked inside. They both glanced at me, looked away and looked at me again before dropping everything and running out to me. I ran to them and jumped into uncle T's arms.

"Oh thank god you're okay. We thought something bad happened."
"I love you guys."
"We love you too. What are you doing here?"

Uncle T set me down and I already felt my eyes begin to water. They led me into the back room and we sat down on one of the sofas. I sat in between both of them and they looked at me worryingly.

"What is it Rach?"
"I'm leaving in an few hours. With Christen, my mom."
"She took you?"
"Yeah she did. I came to say goodbye."
"It's never going to be a goodbye Rach. It's only a see you later."
"Have you talked to uncle Jason?"
"Yes. He arrived back there last night. He said he's sorry and that he misses you so much."

We spoke for another half hour until I decided it was time. We all cried saying goodbye and then I left. I had another two hours to spare so I took my time walking to the station. I walked in and immediately saw Miss Christopher. She saw me and smiled. She made her way towards me and we briefly hugged.

"I didn't expect to see you back here so soon. How're things with your new family?"
"I couldn't be happier. Thank you for letting me go with them."
"Miss Press is your birth mother Rachel. Of course I was going to let you go with her. So, you're here for a reason. What's up?"
"Can I see them? If not all of them, can I see Caleb? It's just to say goodbye. I leave in a while and I don't want to regret not saying goodbye."
"Sure. Follow me."

I followed her through the halls again. We ended at a place that was blocked off by gates. A loud buzzed went and the gates opened. Miss Christopher led me in and down the hall of cells. There was cat calls coming from most of them and others just stared. We stopped at the last one and Caleb and dad were in there. They looked at me and smiled. Miss Christopher opened their cell.

"I can give you half an hour with them. I'm sorry but your mom got transferred this morning."
"Thank you."

I stepped into the cell and she closed it behind me. Three policemen were standing alongside for precautions. I looked at dad and Caleb and my eyes watered again. Caleb walked towards me but I put my hand up.

"Don't Caleb."
"Rach, I-"
"How could you? I trusted you. Both of you. You were my only friend and you lied to me. You were meant to protect me like big brothers do. You were meant to tell me the truth."

I turned to dad and saw his eyes glistening.

"I'm sorry baby girl."

He stepped towards me but I let him. I couldn't hold back the sobs anymore and I slid to the floor and cried. I felt their arms wrap around me and hold me tight. Dad kissed my temple and rested his chin on my head.

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