Thirty - One

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Rachel's POV
We spent ten days in Orlando and we had a blast. Mum was sad we were leaving but we'd be back for Christmas, which was only less than four months.

Kelley and Hope met and talked everything out. They didn't think anyone noticed the secret glances and hand holding under the table but I did. I was happy that they found one another again.

Jill and Izzy were very serious about being the first to meet Jack. Stephen collected us from the airport and the two were waiting by the door for us. When I got out they both ran to me and hugged me. I chuckled and hugged them back and then Conor came around with Jack in his arms, asleep. He smiled at Jill and Izzy and stood beside me.

I led him in and met Steph in the living room and hugged her. She held on longer but I didn't mind. I know she missed me and I missed her too.

"You're getting so big. How were the doctors appointments?"
"Well I'm officially just over the 16 week mark."
"Oh my. So soon? We need to start shopping."
"Definitely. I wanted to wait for you."
"Oh, I missed you mama Steph."
"I missed you too."

She went to talk to Conor and Jill took Jack. She sat on the sofa and Izzy was next to her as they looked at Jack. I walked into the kitchen and set my glasses on the table. I saw the mail on the table and looked through it to see most were mine. I decided to open them later so I walked upstairs to my room with them and set them on the nightstand.

I saw a sticky note on the back of my door and walked over to it and peeled it off. I smiled at it and read it.

Meet me at our spot. I'll be here waiting.
- Lucy.

I sighed and scrunched it up. I grabbed my car keys off the desk and walked out of the room and down the stairs. I went into the living room and walked straight to Conor and kissed his cheek.

"I've got to run to see Nick to tell him I'm back. I'll be home soon. Are you okay with Jack?"
"Well, I've got a meeting with the management in an hour."
"I'll take Jack with me so. His bag is still packed isn't it?"
"Yeah. It's by the front door. Are you sure you want to take him?"
"Yeah. I'll be fine. I'll only be popping in and saying hello. I might as well go shopping as well for some extra supplies."
"I'll go out the car seat into your car."
"Thank you."

He nodded his head and smiled softly. I kissed his cheek and walked over to Jill and chuckled at her.

"Can I take my kid back?"
"Aw, why?"
"I need to run out to do a few errands with him."
"Aw, okay. Can I come back later?"
"Yes. I'll make dinner and you can come over. You too Izzy."
"Yay. Here's your son."

I smiled and took Jack off her. He was still sound asleep, which was perfect. I waved bye to everyone and walked out to the hall and picked up the bag and slung it over my shoulder. I made sure I had my phone and purse and walked out to my car. Conor just finished with the car seat and he put Jack in.

"Text me when you're back."
"I will. Knock 'em dead today. You'll do amazing."
"Thank you. See you later."

I pecked his lips and got into the car. I put on my seatbelt and started the car and began my journey to the stadium. It was only twenty minutes and by the time I arrived Jack was still asleep. I put my phone in my back pocket and got out. I opened Jack's door and unbuckled him carefully and took him out. He put his head against my shoulder and stayed asleep. I closed the door and locked the car.

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