Twenty - Seven

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Lucy's POV
I pulled up in front of Steph's and turned off the car. I haven't seen her in two weeks since the final so I decided to visit before I leave next week.

I got out of my car and walked up the steps to the front door. I was about to knock but the door opened and Steph jumped straight for me. I chuckled and held her up.

"Nice to see you too. It's not like we saw each other two weeks ago or anything."
"Oh shut up. I just missed my best friend."
"I missed you too."

She let go and I set her back down. She led me inside and I looked at the house in awe.

"The house is amazing."
"Thank you. Rachel and I designed it."
"Still living together huh?"
"Won't leave her move out. This is her house even if she says it's ours. I help pay the bills and Stephen does too. We've got our own separate parts of the house but we share the living room and kitchen. There's three bedrooms downstairs with their own bathroom, the living room, kitchen, dining room and a bathroom downstairs. Upstairs then there is five bedrooms including the master bedroom, which Steph and I are in because Rachel made us, and two bathrooms. Oh, there's also a gym in the attic."
"That was our reaction as well. Let me show you upstairs."

I followed her upstairs and she led me into all the bedrooms but one. I'm guessing it was Rachel's. Steph led me down to it and turned to face me.

"She's in there. Do you want to talk to her alone?"
"Uh, sure."
"Just knock. I'll be in the living room with Stephen."

I nodded and stood in front of the door. I knocked on it lightly and heard her voice.

"Come in."

I took a deep breath and opened the door. I could feel the box in my back pocket and my heart beat was increasing by the second. I stepped in and closed the door behind and looked at her as she shifted nervously.

"What are you doing here? I would've thought you'd have gone back to Lyon by now."
"I had a break so I went to visit family. I leave next week. I just came by to see how Steph was doing with the pregnancy but she seems like she's doing okay."
"Yeah she's fine. She has these weird cravings at three am though. Two nights ago I went into the kitchen and saw her sitting on the island sipping pieces of her apple into the peanut butter."

I chuckled and shook my head at the image of that. Rachel chuckled too and everything felt at ease. We looked at each other for a few moments until I looked away hesitantly.

"I better get back to her."
"Yeah. It was nice talking to you."
"Yeah, you too."

I reached for the door handle and froze. I took out the box and smiled. I turned back to Rachel and walked over to her and handed her the box.

"What's this?"
"A really late birthday present. Hopefully it can make up for the last three I missed."

I watched as she opened the box and she gasped quietly. She slowly took the necklace out and examined it.

"If you don't like it I can return it and get a different one."
"No. I love it. I-it's beautiful. How di-"
"I remember? Well, it was the one you were obsessed with when we went shopping for groceries but it ended up into a shopping spree. I saw how much you loved it and I went back the following day and for it for you. I wanted to give it to you at the perfect moment but I think I lost out on it when I left so what better time to give it to you than before I leave."

She looked up at me in disbelief and back down at the necklace. She stood up and stood in front of me and held it out to me.

"Put it on for me?"
"Of course."

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