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Rachel's POV
So, today's my first day at my new school. Mom and I met with the principal, Mrs Dames, last week to discuss on whether or not I should redo freshman year but I'm not. Im going to be a sophomore. Buzzing.

I woke up really early so I could pick out my outfit for today. I'm still on crutches but I'm used to them by now. At least the cast's off. It's been nearly two months and I've only two weeks left and then rehab.

"Rachel, are you up?"
"Ya mom. I'll be down in a minute."

Mom's insisting on driving me to school this year. I don't mind. I feel bad because she's missed out on so much in my life and now she gets to experience my first day of my new school. The next chapter of my life.

"Come here you lil shit."

I gasped. Pinoe. I crutched as fast as I could down the hall and into the main hall. Megan laughed and ran to me and picked me up, causing me to drop the crutches, and spun me around.

"Oh my god! What are you doing here? I though you were meant to come tonight?"
"Like I would miss your first day at school. Gotta support my niece somehow seeing as she's going nowhere in life."
"Megan! Leave the poor kid alone."

I turned and smiled when I saw Hope. She walked over and kissed my cheek and hugged me tight.

"Morning gorgeous."
"Morning Hopey."
"I made you breakfast. It should be ready in a minute."
"Thank you."

The front door opened and Jules, Steph, Alyssa, Sofia and Danny walked in smiling. Jules ran straight to me and hugged me. She pinched my cheeks and cooed.

"Our little baby is going off to high school."
"Our little JJ hasn't had her coffee this morning. There's surely some made in the kitchen."
"Okay smart ass."

I hugged the rest of the girls and Steph and I did our special handshake. I've become really close with all of mom's teammates. They've become protective big sisters of some sort. We're one big happy family. We went into the kitchen and sat around the table. Hope made enough breakfast for all of us, which makes me wonder if this was all planned.

So you're probably wondering where's Alex in this equation? Mom and her aren't on good terms ever since then but I've been talking to her here and there, well more like her texting me and me replying three days later. Stuff like that. I know it's mean and all but I just don't know if I can trust her. I really thought she'd come home for this. After all, it is a big step into my new life. But I guess not.

I finished my breakfast and put my dishes into the dishwasher and crutched back to my room. I had half an hour to kill before we had to leave. The school, luckily, was only ten minutes away but I wanted to go early so I could get my schedule and walk around the school for a bit to find my classes. I sat on my desk chair and grabbed my phone. I smiled when I saw texts from the rest of the girls wishing me good luck. Everyone text me except for her.

There was a knock on the front door but it was probably one of mom's teammates. Probably Casey. She's always late. Typical. I put on my headphones and played my music. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I've such a sappy playlist I'm not even going to tell you to what I'm listening to. The girls always make fun of me but, honestly, I feel like I can relate to the artist. I'm brought out of my world when some one took my head phones off. I turned to see Steph. She chuckled at me when I glared at her.

"Hey! I was listening to that."
"We know. We've been calling you for the last ten minutes."
"Sorry. What do you want?"
"There's some one here to see you."
"Better be worth taking me out of my world."

I stood up and Steph handed me my crutches. She walked out before I could thank her. I crutched down the hall and into the main hall. It was really quiet, which is unusual, so I called out for mom.

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