Twenty - Three

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Rachel's POV
The score was level. 3-3. I scored all three and Izzy scored one for team and Lucy scored the other two. There was only a minute left and then training was over. I gotta win. I'm competitive like that. The thing is, everyone on this team were competitive.

Lucy was dribbling down the left side, wide open. I ran after her and took the from her for behind and then megged her so I could run the other way. Steph was waiting for me but she was leaning more to her right side because she knew I was a leftie. What she didn't know is that I'm just a strong with my right.

I faked her out and she fell. The other back came running at me but I passed the ball to Megan, who was running next to me. I ran behind her and she kicked the ball forward so I could run onto it and I did. I was on side but the defenders were on the other side of the of the goals. I was just on the edge of the box and Lucy came running at me. I looked at the goals and blasted the ball towards the closest post. Lucy jumped to try block it but she was too late and ended up falling into me and I fell back with her being on top of me.

"Oh shit. Are you okay? I'm so sorry."

I reached my hand up and tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear and she blushed. I smiled and rubbed her cheek softly.

"You're cute. Did I score?"
"Really? That's what you ask?"
"Okay I'll change it. Uhm, get off me?"
"Oh yeah. Sorry."

I chuckled as she blushed even more. She stood up and helped me up. Megan came over and hugged me.

"Nice goal newbie."
"Thanks Meggy."

Nick called us over so we all jogged over to him. Jill stood behind me and hugged my from behind and put her chin on my shoulder. I put my hands on top of hers and played with her fingers. I could feel Lucy looking at us but I looked straight at Nick.

"Great session today ladies. You did really well. I think we can all agree that Rachel made her impact already."

The girls all cheered and I smiled. Nick continued talking about the fitness tests starting next week and all the girls groaned.

"Wait, what's wrong with fitness tests? They're not that bad."
"Oh she did not just say that. Have you ever done fitness tests?"
"Yeah. With the national teams back in the states. Dawn had us running for days. It wasn't too bad."
"Oh dear god. You're a first to say Dawn's tests weren't too bad."

I chuckled as the girls all began talking about Dawn's tests.

"Alright, you can leave. Back here tomorrow for another session in the morning."

The girls all cheered and split up while walking to their bags. Nick called me over so Jill reluctantly let me go so I could walk to him. He led me away from the girls and we sat down in the grass, facing where the sun was beginning to set.

"You did really well out there today Rachel. I'm really impressed."
"Thanks Coach."
"So, I talked with the head teacher at your school and we came to an agreement that you would be missing the first two hours of school everyday next week because of the fitness testing. He said you could make up for it either after school or on Saturdays. The teachers were willing to do either, or both if you really fall behind."
"Okay. Thanks Nick."
"Are you okay with missing? Will your mothers care with you missing?"
"No not at all. I just want to finish school before focusing fully on soccer. My mothers won't mind as long as I make up for it and not fall behind too much."
"Alrighty. That's great then. I'll leave you go so. I can feel Steph giving out about me keeping you behind."
"Yeah ahah. Thanks again Nick."
"No problem Rachel. I only want what's best for my players."

I stood up and jogged back to my bag. I changed back into my runners and walked over to where Steph was standing. She smiled and pushed herself up from the fence.

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