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Rachel's POV
After a long day of shopping, I finally made it back home. Steph gave me a key this morning so I wouldn't be locked out. I unlocked the door and closed it behind me and locking it again. I didn't hear any sounds so I assumed Steph wasn't home. I walked up the stairs with all my bags and went into my room. I set them on the floor and went to plug in my phone because it was dead. I saw a box on my bed and I looked at it in confusion.

I walked over to it and sat next to it, putting it on my lap. I opened it and saw a letter on the paper and I took it out. I opened it and set the envelope next to me.

Dear Mini Press,
Happy birthday kid! We're not stalking you, we just asked Steph for her address so we could send you this.

We're so proud of you Rachel! Don't let what Christen said to you make you think so otherwise. You're an incredible player and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for you.

Now, go out and enjoy you're night with the girls. You're chauffeur should be arriving at eight so be ready by then. Ali, Alex, Julie and Syd wanted to make sure you looked nice so here's a little something that you'll like, according to them so blame them.

As always, go kick so English butt and hopefully we'll see you on the field sooner than we think. We love you so much Rach.

Love from,
Those American ones xx

I chuckled at the letter and closed it. I couldn't keep the smile from my face after reading it. I set it beside me and looked into the box. I pulled back the paper and gasped. I pulled out the red dress and looked at it in awe. I looked into the box again and saw an Adidas shoe box in there as well. I opened it and saw the nicest burgundy superstars to go with the dress.

I looked at the clock and saw it was already seven

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I looked at the clock and saw it was already seven. I quickly got everything ready and began blaring my music. By the time I was finished changing it was already half past. I ran straight for the bathroom and applied a small bit of makeup. I went back into my room and grabbed my phone and turned off the music. I grabbed my purse as well and walked out of the room, turning off the light and closing the door in the process.

I walked down the stairs and stopped at the end when I heard the television. I walked into the living room and saw Steph standing by the fireplace looking in the mirror putting on earrings. She looked amazing in her black dress and heels. She turned her head and smiled when she saw me.

"You look amazing Rach."
"You do too Steph. Breath taking."
"Thank you. Come on, your car awaits you."
"My car?"
"Oh girl, your family went all out for your birthday. You should see the restaurant they picked and all."

I chuckled and thought on how pricy the girls actually were. Steph walked over and took my free hand in hers and rubbed the back of it with her thumb.

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