Twenty - Four

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Two months later

Rachel's POV
First game of the season, for me at least. It's against Chelsea but it's going to be a hard one. It's our first home game this season so I might make my debut today. Who knows. I know I won't start because Nick said the team last night at training. The NWSL Championship wrapped up last week with a cracker of a game with NC Courage against the Red Stars. The final score was 4-3 to the red stars based on penalties. Jules scored it and let me tell you, I got an earful that night of her excitement.

I haven't told them about today's game. I didn't want to disturb them so I didn't tell them. Mom and Jules are still on a high from winning, Alex and Serv have gone on a holiday to France and the rest of the girls are all with family or on vacations around the world. Except for Carli. She flew in yesterday and is coming to the game today.

"You ready Rach?"
"Yeah. I'll be down in a second."

Steph smiled and walked out of my room again. So I found out I was meant to be rooming with Izzy and Georgia at my new apartment building but I sat down with Steph one night and asked her if I could stay until after I finish school. She's kind of my legal guardian here so I need her consent on everything. The girls have all started to call her mama Steph just to mess with her but I think she likes it.

I stood up and fixed my pants. We were in our blue gear seeing as we're home and I've got my black runners on. I picked up my gear bag and slung it over my shoulder and walked out of the room. My phone was in my pocket but it was turned off. I couldn't have any distractions between now and after the game otherwise I won't focus, even if I am on the bench.

I walked down the stairs and saw Steph standing at the door. We still another two hours before the game started but Steph insisted on being early but I don't really mind. We walked out to the car and got in.

The drive to the stadium wasn't very long but still took us fifteen minutes. We parked in the player car park. Two security guards came over to us and walked behind us as we walked inside. There was screaming from the fans once the saw us and Steph and I waved as we walked through. I felt bad for not stopping but I'll go out to the field in a while and sign anything they want me to.

We walked to the dressing room and went to our separate lockers. I smiled and looked at my jersey. I picked it up and looked at it. I ran my hand over the back and smiled. I hung it back up and sat down. I took off my pants and fixed my shorts.

I invited some of uncle Jason's team that are on leave to come. They all flew in two days ago and I met up with them yesterday. There was five men and two women. Christopher, Tyler, Jess, Luke and Logan and then Melissa and Bailey. I was thrilled they accepted.

The girls all began to show up and music started playing in the locker room. I didn't even notice because I was zoned out. I brought my hand to my chest and felt the necklace Ali and Ashlyn gave me and I smiled. I looked down at it and rubbed my thumb over it. I can just hear Ashlyn in my head telling me not to be nervous. Everything will work out just fine.

I tied the laces of my cleats and stood up. The girls were all walking out to start warming up. I tucked the necklace back into my tshirt and followed them out. Steph waited by the start of the tunnel for me and smiled.

"I have you. I don't need to be nervous."

She hugged me and I hugged her back. I let go first and she smiled at me. We both faced the end of the tunnel where the field was and I let out a deep breath. I felt her take my hand and I looked down at it and smiled. She squeezed it reassuringly and then let go. I nodded towards her and she smiled. She jogged out and the cheers erupted. I took one last deep breath and then jogged out myself. Everyone began cheering and it made me smile. I looked around the stadium as I jogged towards the girls and saw a lot of people had signs with my name on them. I joined in on the girls warm ups and everyone wished me good-luck.

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