Thirty - Four

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Third Person's POV

Dear my City girls,

For the last five years, you have been my confidant, my shoulder to cry on, the people I scream songs with in the bus for the long journeys. You reassure me when I get too anxious, that everything will be OK. You have been there for me no matter what. You have been by my side, through the good and bad.

Mama Steph, every bone in my body wants to drag you to New Jersey with me. To tell you that you can't be separate from me. You are the person I want to tell everything. You are the person who doesn't judge me for being myself. You are the person who turns every situation into a memorable, important moment in my life. You are selfless, kind and so inspiring. I don't know how to tell you how much you mean to me.

But just like every other trade and leaving one club to another, it is time to start wrapping up one part of life and start another. For me, you guys are the one part of this chapter that I don't want to leave. Yes, we will stay in contact and talk every day. Yes, you guys will always be my best friends and the big sisters I never had. There will always be other friends, there will always be people that come in and out of my life. You will be one thing that never leaves. It will be different; it will be a struggle. It will be the one part of leaving that feels like I'm not moving on to bigger and better things, because I've already found the best.

While I'm so sad to leave, I know I am ready for this step. While we may not be together physically, we are there in spirit through every hard test, big move, big games and finals and every big or small moment in-between. I know I will feel your constant support no matter what the distance, and you will feel mine. There will be new memories to share with each other, and the time we do get to spend together, we will cherish even more.

To my two side kicks, Jill and Izzy, it has come time to say goodbye for now. After being inseparable for five years, we will have to live our lives 3,380 miles from each other's doorsteps - spending every day living different lives, in different continents, with different friends. This goodbye is short. It is just until we see each other again. But this is a different kind of goodbye. It isn't a goodbye in the sense of until next time. It's more than that. It is a goodbye in the way that we are starting new chapters. We say goodbye together to our old lives, and say hello to our new lives, separately. This is the hardest goodbye.

And with this, I leave you with how much I love you, and a heavy heart filled with the bright memories that you left with me.

So, here's to new beginnings. This is going to be a fresh start for my kid and I and I cannot wait. I love you guys so much and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us.

Goodbye for now Manchester. You'll forever hold a place in my heart.

Rachel Press,
Newest member of Sky Blue FC.


Hey guys,

Thank you so much for the feedback these past few days. It's greatly appreciated. All of you want a sequel and I don't like to disappoint so it's up tomorrow.

I hope y'all enjoyed readying the book as much as I enjoyed writing it and I hope to see you in the next.

Lots of love,
Irishdreamin 🍀

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