Chapter 3: Jeff the Killer

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I laugh and hear someone else laugh, but it wasn't Helen.

Helen's POV
(Y/N) laughed and then her facial expression changed, completely. She turned white and she looked like she had just seen a ghost. "(Y-Y/N) what's wrong?" I am really worried about her, she looks absolutely petrified. "L-l-laughing, n-n-not y-you, s-someone else h-h-here..." She stands there looking somewhere in the distance. I get up and follow her gaze to a shadow standing in the distance, half of the person is hidden behind a tree, and then *poof* the person was gone.

"(N-N/N) we should go to the bench NOW!" I grab her hand and run as fast as I could. I can see the bench I the distance it looks beautiful, but now's not the time to think about that. 'You need to protect (Y/N), she's in danger with him following you two!' My brain orders my body and I run faster with (Y/N) in tow. The bench is one of the safest parts of the woods because it's a clearing and I am able to see all around me in every direction.

'H-help us!' I try to shout but nothing comes out. Helen and I are sprinting at full speed towards the bench, the bench looks just like Helen's drawing. Helen's grasp around my hand is tight, as if making sure he won't lose me, 'I don't know why but it feels like he is protecting me more than himself.' I think before hearing the crack of a stick behind me. I quickly turn my head... but nothing, nothing's there.

"H-huh?" I mumble and start to slow down. "(Y/N) WE NEED T KEEP GOING!!!" Helen shouts at me and pulls me along with him. We are less than 25 metres away from the clearing, Helen is still dragging me along. We are 10 metres away from the clearing when I dig the heels of my feet into the ground and shout, "STOP!!! IT'S GONE!!!" Helen has stopped holding my hand and is instead pushing me towards the clearing and shouts, "HE'S STILL THERE (Y/N)! TRUST ME YOU DON'T KNOW HIM LIKE ME!!!" Helen pushes me into the middle of the clearing and we both fall on the ground from exhaustion. We are both panting and wheezing from the mad dash.

I'm laying on my back with my eyes closed when I hear that same creepy laughter, I raise my head so I am sitting upright. My eyes are wide open while I look at the direction Helen and I came from. "N-nothing again? What's going on?" I mumble to Helen and look over at him, my eyes go wide immediately. He is unconscious and there is blood dripping down his fore head, there is a large rock next to his head with blood on it. Someone had hit him in the head with the rock. "H-Helen? Hey Helen wake up it's not funny..." I shake him but he doesn't wake up. "HELEN WAKE UP!" I slap his cheek gently but it is the same result, I start to cry, there is a lot of blood. He has lost too much blood already, he is as good as dead. Suddenly I hear the laugh again and turn around tears rolling down my cheeks, standing there is a male figure in a white hoodie and has a carved on smile.

"J-Jeff t-the k-k-killer...?!" I ask and he nods. I have seen him on the news before because one of the victims neighbours snapped a pic from their house. He holds up his knife and I stand up, I grab something out of my bag. Unknown to him that it is one of my homemade weapons that are disguised as school supplies. 'THANK THE LORD I PACKED THEM!!!' I mentally shout in trying not to give away to Jeff that it is a weapon. "Haha what's a paint brush going to do?" He laughs at me and I smirk. The tears have stopped and the only thing I am thinking about is saving Helen and getting him to a hospital

Jeff lunges at me and I dodge his knife. I punch him in the face and he takes a few steps back. He looks shocked and amused that his prey is trying to fight back. He lunges at me again with his knife in front and I grab his wrist and elbow. He looks at me before I knee his arm in between where I'm holding, I hear a crack and Jeff drops his knife, while trying to muffle his scream by biting his bottom lip. I let go and pick up his knife in my left hand, my paint brush in my right hand. Jeff is still in pain and his arm is now limp beside him. I charge at him and try to kick him in the gut but he catches my leg in his good hand. He kicks me in the face, but I was prepared, I stab his thigh with his knife. Now his bottom lip was bleeding from biting down so hard to stop his screams of pain. My face felt numb from the kick but I was use to the pain, thanks to the school before and the bullies at that school.

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