Chapter 6: Kidnapped

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Y/N's 's POV
I open up the door a bit to see who it is and the person roughly shoves open the door. Before I can say anything they cover my mouth and nose with a cloth. 'It...smells w-weird...' You think. 'Someone... H-Help... me...' Everything goes black.

~Time Skip~

My eyes flutter open, I can feel the cold metal chaining me to the wall, the room is dark and I can hear dripping water. The smell of rust fills my nose, I feel water running down my fore arm and dripping off into the dark abyss. Then it dawns on me. Blood. Not water or rust. Blood dripping from stinging wounds on my body. I've got no energy at all. Some parts of my body are numb from the cold. The only cloth I can feel on me is my bra, panties and my eyepatch. The darkness is daring me to sleep. But I don't give in because if I do, I know I will most likely never wake up.

"H-hel-help...m-me..." Is the only words I manage to whisper. The chains on my arms and legs are cutting into my skin making me wince in pain. "So you've decided to wake up?" I hear a man speak, his voice full of concern. "It took you long enough, I though you were never going to wake up." I hear him walk up to me, then his hand touches my face, causing me to flinch. "Please don't be scared, I won't hurt you. I will never hurt you." I can hear it in his voice that he is speaking the truth and I relax as his hand rests on my cheek. "W-who are you?" I whisper, hoping he heard me. "You will find out soon enough..." He trails off as I hear a large door open before I am blinded with light.

Eventually my eyes adjust and I notice the lights were turned on. I look around the room and study each object. To my left was a closed metal door, however I wouldn't be able to reach it because I was chained to the wall. The whole wall in front of me was a mirror, from the ground to the roof. There was also a table and two chairs against the wall to my right. The thing I noticed the most was the faint silhouettes of two people behind the mirror. I hang my head and look at my feet, I am practically doing a star jump... except I've been caught half way through.

There is a pool of blood at my feet, and cuts all along my legs and arms. I look back at the mirror, 'time for little miss humour' I internally smirk at how I can still joke about, even when I'm in this situation. "H-hello anyb-body there?" I whisper, "Ca-can I p-please have a drink of wa-water? I-I'm a little p-parched after t-th-the whole ki-kidnapping t-thing." I whisper-ask. One silhouette walks away. 'So, they heard me? Good' I talk to myself.

The person walks in, and my eyes go wide. It's Jeff. He has a glass of water in his hand, once he walks over to me he puts the glass to my mouth. I drink the whole glass of water in less than 5 seconds. He puts the glass on the table and walks back up to me, grabbing my jaw harshly. "What about the thankyou? You little brat." His nasty comment got me fired up, enough to explode. So that's exactly what I did, except verbally. "WHY DO I HAVE TO THANK YOU?! YOU KIDNAPPED ME! YOU CHAINED ME TO A WALL! OH AND YOU ALSO KILLED MY ONLY FRIEND AT THAT DARN SCHOOL!" Once I finish my rage I spit in his face. He takes a few steps back and wipes the spit from his cheek.

He stomps up to me and slaps me across the face, and punches me in the stomach. i gasp for air. I don't care anymore. The only person who ever cared about me is now dead. My voice is only a whisper, and tears fall down my cheeks, "Do you know what it feels like to watch your loved ones walk out your front door and never return because they don't love you? Do you know what it feels like to be beaten up everyday of your life? Do you know what it feels like to be happy that someone finally cares, and then watch them die in front of your eyes?" He stays completely quiet, just staring me in the eyes shocked since this is coming from nowhere, as I continue.

"Because guess what my parents don't love me. I was tortured everyday by bullies. And Helen Otis was the only person who cared, then I went and killed him. Everyone else's eyes had the same hate look, Helen was the only one who you could tell how he really felt by looking at the emotions in his eyes and listening to the emotions in his voice." I stare into Jeff's eyes hoping to find any hint that he cared, there was an emotion but I couldn't tell what it was. He walked out of the room, not saying a word. I mumbled three words you promised yourself you would never ever say, "You stole him away from me..."

Jeff's POV
I walked out of the room as fast as I could. "What the hell just happened? Where did that emotional speech even come from? Oh no, Slendy's gonna kill me if he finds out I hurt her again! But the cuts did match with her panties... No no no no no, be gone dirty thoughts, I am in so much trouble for punching-!" BEN walks around the corner at the perfect time. "What are you talking about Jeff?" The look he'sgiving me tells me he already knows. "How much do you want?" I roll my eyes and get my wallet from my white hoodie's pocket. "Sorry? I'm not sure I understand Jeffery." He replies sarcastically. " How much do you want in order for you to forget what you just heard... and to get rid of that stupid nickname." I say through gritted teeth. "Two... Hundred." He says slowly while smirking. I hand him the money and storm off, not a happy camper. When I turn the corner I remember the last thing she said, 'You stole him away from me'. Truth is I only did as I was told, Slendy's orders.

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